Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 9 классе

Автор: Семёнова Оксана Владимировна

Организация: МКОУ СОШ № 10

Населенный пункт: Иркутская область, г.Бирюсинск

Автор: Семёнова Оксана Владимировна

Организация: МКОУ СОШ № 10

Населенный пункт: Иркутская область, г.Бирюсинск

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 9 классе

( авторы К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман)

Тема: « Здоровый образ жизни»

Подтема: « Здоровое питание- залог бодрости и здоровья».

Цели урока:

1.Совершенствовать умения строить подготовленные и неподготовленные высказывания, употребляя лексические единицы по теме: « Здоровье».

2. Развивать навыки аудирования и умения высказывать свое мнение.

3.Развивать творческие способности учащихся ( элементы проекта).

4.Формировать навыки бережного отношения к своему здоровью, желание употреблять в питание здоровые продукты.


Серия картинок, изображающие различные продукты питания, дидактический материал для парной и групповой работы, компьютер, материал для проектной работы.

Ход урока.

1. Орг. момент:


T-When and how often do we call the teacher?

When do we think about our health?

When do we begin to take care of our health?

( Ответы учащихся ).

T-Yes, it is our reality. But we should think about our health before we get ill, we should take care of our health from the early age. Today we will talk about healthy food. We must get to know which food is good for you and useful, and which food is not good. I hold up a sweet and an apple . What do you think: which is better: sweet or apple? Which is healthier?

Do you think what are you putting in your bodies before you eat something?

3.(Проецируется пирамида продуктов).

Учитель: Перед тем, как мы будем выполнять работу по индивидуальным карточкам, которые находятся у вас на столах для каждой группы, посмотрите на продукты и выберите те, которые:

Look at food and choose those, which:

a) keep you healthy for the first group

b) give you energy for the second group

c) help you to grow and make you strong for the fird group

T- Should you eat these food every day?

Are these foods good for you?

Do fruit and vegetables help you to keep health?

Are sweets and crips good for people?

( Итог подводят учащиеся)

1. All foods are good for us but not all foods are healthy for us.

2. Vitamins and minerals help us to keep healthy.

3. Sweets and crips and cola are full of sugar.

4. You should eat a variety of food to stay healthy and grow big and strong.

4.Let, s speak ( беседа с учащимися) P-CI

1.What physical activity do you every day?

2.How can you burn calories?

3. Give examples of balanced diet. What should a person eat?

4. Is there much convenience food in the shops in your town ( village)?

5. Are there many people who has an excess weight?

6. What must they do to loose weight?

7. Do people with excess weight have problems with their health?

8. Must they diet?

9. Must people with excess weight follow healthy mode of life?

10. Are there any children with over weight in our school?

5. Express your opinion.(проецируется на экране)

( Вырази свое мнение по следующим утверждениям).

1. Not every diet is good for you.

2. Excess weight can lead lead to health problems.

3. Fast are an impotant part of every body,s diet.

4. The government should spend money, on new clubs for children.

а ) Здоровье дороже богатства.

б ) Обжорство убивает быстрее, чем меч.

в ) Голод- лучшая приправа.

г ) Мужчине столько лет, на сколько он чувствует,

женщине –на сколько она выглядит.

д ) Кто рано ложиться и рано встаёт: здоровье?

богатство и ум наживёт.

е ) Болезнь легче предупредить, чем лечить.

The purse of the patient protracts the disease.

Health is better than wealth.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,

wealthy and wise.

Prevention is better than cure.

Hunger is the best souse.

Gluttony kills more than the sword.

A man is as old as he feels, a woman is old as she looks.

5.Eating a lot of meat is good for you.

6. Swimming and jogging burn a lot of calories.

( Use : I think , my opinion, to my mind)

6. Say if the following statements are true, false or there is no information.

1.If you burn more calories, you lose more weight.

2. Everybody must take multivitamins every day.

3.Diets that are too strict can make you fatter.

4. Only swimming and jogging can help you burn calories.

5. You can eat as many fruit and vegetables as you want.

6. Coffee is good for you.

7.Fruit is better than juice.

8.Carrots are healthier than apples.

7. Групповая работа. ( говорение)

«What tips must you follow, when we speak about food»

1гр. We have to eat less bread, sugar and fat.

We have to eat smaller portions.

Do not skip meals.

Eat more fruit and vegetable.

2 гр .Do not read or watch TV when eat.

Chew your food slowly and carefully.

Do not eat high-fat, high-calorie ,s snacks, cookies, potato chips and soda.

Drink water or juice instead of Coke and lemonade.

Have an apple instead of a hotdog.

Do not eat after 7 p.m.

3 гр. Can you loose weight with a help of pills?

It is dangerous?

What must we do to be fit?

8. Чтение статьи

( Read the article and circle the answers)

Than rettel and tell your own opinion. How many students ate no fruit or vegetable?

How many students ate the right amount of fruit and vegetable?

How many burgers did one boy eat a day?

How many milkshakes did he drink?

How many pakets of crisps did many of the students eat a day?

9. Раздать учащимся чистые листы бумаги.

Задание: Write a list of things you should and you should not do to be healthy and fit.

( Результаты опроса)

The problem is especially bad in secondary school, where children can bay unhealthy snakes and drinks from the canteens and vending machines.

10. Match (подобрать аналогичную английскую пословицу).

11. Завершающее задание. Творческая работа ( проект) 5 мин.

На столах находятся листы бумаги, на которых изображены тарелки , конверты с видами изученных продуктов питания, клей.

Учитель ещё раз обращает внимание на пирамиду продуктов, имеется несколько уровней. Нижний уровень изображает продукты, которые нам следует есть и каждый день. Учащиеся должны выбрать картинки, изображающие продукты питания, поработать творчески и из картинок изобразить коллаж.

1. гр. Healthy breakfast «Здоровый завтрак».

2. гр.Healthy dinner «Здоровый обед».

3. гр. Healthy supper « Здоровый ужин».

а ) защита работы ( микромонолог).

b ) вывод.

c) кто победитель.

Слово учителя:

1.In order to be healthy you should eat more of certain foods and less of others.

2. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetable four or five times a week because they contain vitamines.

3. Not eat cakes and sweets every day or eat them only 2 or 3 times a week, not drink Cola every day Cola is an empty food.

4. Drink at least 1-2 litres of water every day. Tea and Coffee do not count.

5. Everything you do – smiling, talking, reading,- burns calories. If you want to be fit, you will have to do more. Do some execise in the morning or in the afternoon every day.

6. Physical activity is very impotant ton be a healthy lifestyle, and it is difficult to be fit if you do not do any.

12.Home task.

13. Marks. You have worked very well today.

Your marks are…….







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Опубликовано: 30.10.2023