Modular test 2 for Spotlight 4

Автор: Ларина Екатерина Федоровна

Организация: МАОУ СОШ №1

Населенный пункт: ХМАО-Югра, г. Мегион

Modular Test 2A

1. Прочитай и выпиши лишнее слово из каждой строки.

1) baker, nurse, serve, waiter

2) garage, station, hospital, postman

3) greengrocer, work, sell, fix

4) always, usually, theatre, never

5) Tuesday, Friday, Sunday, February


2. Прочитай и выпиши верный ответ.

1. My friends have/has to wear a uniform at work.

2. You don't/doesn't have to wash the dishes after lunch.

3. Tom don't/doesn't have to go shopping today.

4. They have/has to clean their room.

5. Do/Does I have to work at night?


3. Прочитай и подбери подходящий ответ.

1. What does she look like?

2. What’s he like?

3. What do you do?

4. Where does he work?

a) I am a student.

b) He works at a café.

c) She is tall and slim.

d) He is funny.


4. Выбери верный глагол.

1. He work/works at the hospital.

2. The police officer wears/wear a uniform.

3. I plays/play football on Saturday.

4. My mother always wash/washes the dishes.

5. They plays/play badminton twice a week.

6. Подбери продолжение предложения.

1. Jack usually plays

2. I never wash

3. His sister always goes

4. The nurse

5. I clean

a. works at the hospital.

b. basketball three times a week.

c. my room every week.

d. shopping on Sundays.

e. the dishes after dinner.


7. Прочитай текст. Вставь пропущенные слова в текст из рамочки.







Aunt Susie is a (1) __. She works at a (2)__ in Trenton. Aunt Susie (3)___ a uniform when she works. She bakes (4)___ and makes cakes. A lot of people come to her baker’s she works at. I think my Aunt Susie is clever and (5)___!


Modular Test 2B

1. Прочитай и выпиши лишнее слово из каждой строки.

1) mechanic, nurse, wear, greengrocer

2) baker’s, waiter, station, hospital

3) work, postman, sell, fix

4) usually, school, always, never

5) Wednesday, Saturday, Monday, April


2. Прочитай и выпиши верный ответ.

1. Fiona have/has to go to work on Saturday.

2. We don't/doesn't have to get up early on Sundays.

3. Tom have/has to read a lot of books at work.

4. My friends don’t/doesn’t have to do their homework.

5. Do/Does I have to work at night?


3. Прочитай и подбери подходящий ответ.

1. What does she look like?

2. What’s he like?

3. What do you do?

4. Where does he work?

a) I am a student.

b) He works at a café.

c) She is tall and slim.

d) He is funny.


4. Выбери верный глагол.

1. My dog never eats/eat chicken.

2. The postman always take/takes letters at 8 am.

3. Sam usually writes/writes letters to his grandparents.

4. She often goes/go to work by taxi.

5. I usually walks/walk my dog in the park.

6. Подбери продолжение предложения.

1. Jack usually plays

2. I never wash

3. His sister always goes

4. The nurse

5. I clean

a. works at the hospital.

b. basketball three times a week.

c. my room every week.

d. shopping on Sundays.

e. the dishes after dinner.


7. Прочитай текст. Вставь пропущенные слова в текст из рамочки.







Uncle Jack is a (1) ___. He works at a (2) ___ in Silverwood. Uncle Jack (3)___ a uniform when he works. He serves (4)____ and drinks. A lot of people go to the cafe he works at. I think my Uncle Jack is kind and (5)____!



Список литературы:

  1. Сборник упражнений Spotlight 4. Н.И. Быкова, М.Д. Поспелова.
  2. Грамматический справочник Spotlight 4. Д.Г. Юшина.
  3. Test booklet Spotlight 4. Н.И. Быкова, Дж.Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В.Эванс.

  1. file1.docx (23,3 КБ)
Опубликовано: 15.11.2023