Урок-соревнование «Объединенное Королевство»

Автор: Ратина Надежда Федоровна

Организация: МБОУ Лицей №103 «Гармония»

Населенный пункт: Красноярский край, г. Железногорск



He 4. He was one of the world’s famous writers. He was was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, where he

Rec received a classical education.



3. At the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway, and they had three children. When he was twenty-one, he went to London. There he became an actor and began to write plays. He wrote plays for the famous Globe Theatre. Later he was one of the owners of the Globe Theatre.



1. The Stratford school was a difficult place at that time. School days were long, and only on the holidays he could have a real rest.



2. He achieved a great recognition during his lifetime. He wrote three types of plays: comedies, tragedies and histories. He is acknowledged as one of the greatest writers of all time, and remained popular with readers around the world.





He 4. He was an English novelist, a short-story writer and and a poet. He was born in Bombay, India, in 1865 whe where his father, a professor, worked at that time.



3. When he was six years old, his parents sent the boy to England where he attended school. At the age of seventeen he returned to India where he worked as a newspaper reporter for several years.



1. At twenty-one he published his first book of poems. Later a year he wrote a book of short stories about India. Between 1887 and 1899 he visited many countries and lived for some years in America where he married an American girl.



2. He is mostly widely-known for his works for children, especially “The Jungle Book”. He was awarded the Noble Prize for literature in 1907.


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Опубликовано: 22.11.2023