План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 9 классе на тему «Weird jobs»

Автор: Булгакова Валерия Валерьевна

Организация: СОЩ

Населенный пункт: Московская область, г. Балашиха

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 9 классе на тему "Weird jobs"

класс: 9Ж

дата: 01. 03. 2021

тип урока: урок систематизации и обобщения знаний и умений обучающихся



1. совершенствование лексических навыков по теме "Jobs"

2. совершенствование грамматических навыков Passive Voice

3. совершенствование навыка аудирования.



1. развитие интереса к изучению английского языка;

2. развитие лингвистической догадки и логического мышления;

3. развитие творческих способностей учащихся;

4. развитие умения применять изученный материал в практических ситуациях.


1. приобщение обучающихся к общечеловеческим ценностям, формирование уважения к различным профессиям;

2. воспитание доброжелательности, вежливости, толерантности к окружающим;

3. умение работать в группе.


1. знакомство с иноязычной культурой и обычаями Великобритании.

Подготовительная работа: подготовить раздаточный и наглядный материал.

Оборудование: раздаточный и наглядный материал, проектор, компьютер.





Режим работы, формы взаимодействия

1. Организационный момент. 10.05 – 10.10

5 мин

Good afternoon, students and our guests. I'm glad to see you. Take your seats, please. First of all, let’s warm-up! The previous lesson we discussed different professions. So, our task now to play a little game – guess who!

1 person goes to the blackboard and think of 1 profession. Others try to guess by asking general questions! Examples are on the blackboard! So, go ahead, Илья Стрельников

T - Cl


P1 - P2, Р3

2. Проверка домашнего задания 10.10-10.15

5 мин

Well done! Ok, and now, your home task was to report on one profession that you want to do in the future. Start please, Олеся, Радим, Кирилл Иовчик


T - P1, P2.........

3. Основной этап

Актуализация знаний
























Чтение текста


5 мин
























10 мин

Excellent! And now, let’s describe your professions. For example my profession is creative! What about yours, Ника?

All professions are useful, but now look at the screen. You see different synonyms , what do you think they all mean???

Right! So, what are we going to talk about today?

Of course! About WEIRD JOBS!

  1. How do you understand the phrase «weird job»?
  2. What jobs do you consider to be weird?
  3. Would you like to perform an extraordinary job?Why?







Thank you for your answers. And now, it's time to find out what jobs are really weird.

Let’s read 3 little texts about really peculiar jobs!

Discuss the questions.

1. Which of the above-mentioned professions do you

consider to be really weird?

2. Do you have a dog or a cat? Have you ever tried

their food?

3. Do you like Netflix’s products? Would you agree to

binge-watch them 24/7?

4. Do you like chewing gum? How often do you

consume it?


T - P1, P2.......






Обобщение и систематизация знаний


10.20 – 10.35

10 мин


















































5 мин








Thank you for your answers.

But, these 3 professions are not the only unusual jobs. I suggest you watching an interesting video about top 10 weirdest jobs in the world.

Before watching, let

‘s look at the board and find the definitions to the words given.

Ash – he grey or black powder that is left after something

Pass away – to die

To shift responsibility – to make smb do your job

In demand – something that you need

To be ecologically minded – to care a lot about environment

Mourner – a person whose profession is to cry

Hypocrites – insincere people



While watching , mark please the sentences True or False



1.Scuba diving delivery man brings pizza to people in a hotel in Florida

2.Duck master marched the ducks at festive occasions only.False (in the morning)

3. Ash portrait artist can use ash of a person who has passed away in a proper way.True

4.The Japanese prefer shift responsibility on smb else - true

5.You can travel alone in a car in Indonesia – false (3 or more people)

6.The profession of elephant dresser is not much in demand. – False (perform a lot of ceremonies)

7.Residents of Amsterdam are not ecologically minded. – false (to keep rivers clean)

8.Professional mourner are real hypocrites.

9.People in Japan are using underground because they try to save money for petrol. – false (it’s mandatory)

10.In Finland the culture of sleeping is on a very high level. – true concerned about sleeping well


Now, let’s revise our favorite grammar rule – passive voice. Remember me please the algorithm of changing the sentence from active into passive. Great! Now, look please at underline sentences and change them into passive


Let’s check your answers!


Now let’s diccuss some points of the video!

1. Which jobs mentioned in this video would you like

to try and why?

2. Could you be a professional hitchhiker, mourner or


3. Is the profession of an ash portrait artist creative,

demanding, horrible or mystical?

4. Would you add any other weird professions to this


T - Cl


T - Cl


T - Cl


Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации

10.35 – 10.41

6 мин

That’s very interesting! How creative! Now, please, in groups use your imagination and create very weird profession or use any of bizarre professions that we have found out today and make an advertisement to it!



T - Gr1, Gr2........

Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации


3 мин

Excellent ! Good job! So, today we have found out different weird jobs. Now I suggest you messaging your best friend about our todays lesson! Message on this topis

1.5 weird jobs that you have found out today.

2. 5 weird jobs you have heard of.

3. 5 weird jobs that don’t really seem to be weird.

4. 5 weird jobs you would like to know a little bit more about.

5. 5 current jobs that are going to become weird in 50 years.



T - P1

P - Cl

Заключительный этап


Информация о домашнем задании



2 мин

Thank you! I think your friend will be surprised!


Now, write down please your home task for the next lesson.


  1. Write down an e-mail to your friend “There is nothing weird about weird jobs”
  2. Or Make a presentation describing another new weird job (qualities that person needs, responsibilities)

T - Cl





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  2. file1.pptx (634,6 КБ)
Опубликовано: 28.11.2023