Достопримечательности мира

Автор: Подлесная Оксана Викторовна

Организация: МБОУ «Гимназия № 1»

Населенный пункт: Московская область, г. Балашиха

Презентация прилагается

Урок в 10-11 классах.

Тема: Достопримечательности

Тип урока: комбинированный

Технологии: коммуникативная (с элементами ИКТ, игра, работа в группах/парах)

Оснащение: проектор/интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал

Начало урока.

Орг. момент( 1-2 мин).

T. Let’s make 2 teams (one is on my right/another is on my left).I’ll show you slides with famous sights you are to answer the question: What(place) is it?

The rules: the first to answer in English gets 2 scores. If you name the place in Russian you get 1 score and your rivals get a chance to get 1 score. One person is to write the scores on the blackboard.

You’ve got a chance to get extra scores for giving additional information about the place.

Ready? GO! ( Презентация на компьютере. Команды называют места) (7-8 мин).

T. Now let’s see who is the winner in this part of the lesson.(Ответственный за подсчет сообщает результат) Now ,when we have the results I want you to think and tell me What the topic of our lesson is?

S. Going sightseeing/The sights/Places of interest/So many wonders! Etc.

T. You are right. We’re going to speak about different attractions. And may be now you will name some other attractions famous all over the world, that were not mentioned ? (you get 1 score for each)

S. Уч-ся называют разные популярные места(2-3мин).

T. Great! Now you’ll get the descriptions of different places, skim them. After reading I want you to give a very short presentation of it: What is it? Where is it? Why in your opinion it can be interesting?

You have 4 min.(If you are ready before time, raise your hand)

S. Ответы учащихся 2 мин.

T. Thank you . I liked your answers. Now let’s talk about means of descriptions that make texts vivid, bright ,attractive: What are they?(либо учитель просит учащихся найти в текстах прилагательные ,наречия и спрашивает What is the aim of these words in the text?)

S. Adjectives/adverbs…

T. Right. And how about brushing your memory?! I tell you a word-you must remember synonyms/then antonyms(2 вар.-In 2 min. the same task in writing- work in groups of 2)










T. Thank you .Let’s continue.

You’ve got 3 min to remember 2 best places to visit (in Russia) and make a short description of them.

S.(listen to 2-3 students)

T. Good job! And your final task will be a dialogue (use your descriptions) So, you and your partner are planning vacations. You are to decide where to go and what to see. Give reasons and come to solution. (5 min.)

S. dialogues 5 min.

T. Well, it’s time to round up. You’ve done good job. Please remember the list of sights we mentioned at the beginning. Your home task: You are to make a TOP-5 list of the best places /attractions in Russia.

(Try to make a colourful computer presentation with short descriptions)


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Опубликовано: 28.11.2023