Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для учеников 9-11х классов «The smartest»

Автор: Шевченко Надежда Сергеевна

Организация: МБОУ СШ №40

Населенный пункт: ХМАО-Югра, г. Нижневартовск



«The smartest» (Самый умный)


Актуализировать и обобщить полученные знания по страноведению и грамматике, развивать умение работать в команде, закреплять навыки аудирования и устной речи.


  • Развивать умение логически мыслить и рассуждать
  • Прививать интерес и уважение к традициям других стран
  • Воспитывать вежливое отношение к людям
  • Развивать мотивацию к познанию
  • Развивать функциональную грамотность


Ход мероприятия



Good day my dear friends. Glad to see you at our school event “The smartest”. I hope today we’ll have a great time, because five teams of different classes will show their knowledge of English, intelligence, talents and skills. Let’s have a look at them. We all greet the teams ... And of course, I must introduce you our strict and fair jury.

Добрый день, дорогие наши друзья. Мы рады вас приветствовать на нашем школьном мероприятии «Самый умный». Надеюсь, мы сегодня замечательно проведем время. 5 команд из разных классов покажут свои знания английского языка, навыки, умения и таланты. Прошу, поприветствуйте наши команды …

И, конечно же, хочу представить вам наше строгое, но справедливое жюри.



Today’s game consists of 5 rounds. After each round the jury will tell us the score of each team. And at the end of the game we’ll know who is the smartest.

Наша игра состоит из 5 раундов. После каждого жюри будет говорить количество набранных очков каждой командой. В конце игры мы узнаем, кто самый умный.

Now, there is the time for our competitors to introduce themselves. Tell us a few sentences about your team (the name and the motto)

А сейчас наши участники представятся и скажут название и девиз своей команды.


1й раунд «Country study»


The first round is “Country study”. Each team will be given 10 questions connected with the knowledge of literature, geography, science, music, culture and traditions of the British. You’ll get 1 point for each correct answer.

1раунд – Страноведение. Каждой команде зададут по 10 вопросов, связанных со знанием литературы, географии, науки, музыки, культуры и традиций Британии. Вы получите по 1 балу за каждый правильный ответ. (каждой команде задают разные вопросы, отвечать на которые должны все члены команды по очереди)

Team 1

  1. Where can you meet the famous monster in Scotland? (lake Loch Lomond)
  2. What game can be played at the famous Wimbledon championship?(tennis)
  3. What are the biggest rivers in Great Britain? (The Thames, the Severn)
  4. What is the name of the huge clock which is placed on St. Stephen`s tower of the Westminster Palace? After what person was it called so? (in the honor of the minister of labour Benjamin Hall, Big Ben)
  5. What literature character has its own museum in Baker Street in London? (S. Holmes)
  6. What is the national musical instrument of Scotland? (bagpipe)
  7. Who of the English invented the telephone? (A. Bell)
  8. Name the traditional Christmas dessert in England? (Christmas pudding)
  9. What university is the oldest in England? (Oxford University)
  10. What happened in London in 1666? (London fire)

Team 2

  1. Who was the first English king? (Albert the Great)
  2. On what holiday in Scotland the first person to come into the house must bring a piece of coal? (New Year)
  3. What countries does the United Kingdom consist of? (England, Scotland, Wales, Nothern Ireland)
  4. What famous cathedral in London was built by sir Christopher Wren? (St.Paul`s Cathedral)
  5. Who is the author of Harry Potter Series? (J. Rowling)
  6. What music band was called “the Liverpool Four”? (the Beatles)
  7. What medicine was discovered by the English scientist A. Fleming? (penicillin)
  8. What does the traditional English breakfast consist of? (porridge, toasts with marmalade, fried eggs with bacon)
  9. Name the English money. (pound, pence, penny)
  10. What is the royal family`s official residence in London? (Buckingham Palace)

Team 3

  1. What is the main vegetable at Halloween? (pumpkin)
  2. What is the name of the skirt which only the Scottish men wear? (kilt)
  3. What is the highest mountain in Great Britain? (Ben Nevis)
  4. What London museum has the biggest collection of books? (The British Museum)
  5. In the county of Nottinghamshire there was an old forest. It was called Sherwood forest. The name of what legendary character was connected with this forest? (Robin Hood)
  6. He was a famous comedy actor who acted in silent films. (C. Chaplin)
  7. What English scientist discovered the law of Physics? (Newton)
  8. What is the traditional Christmas dish? (turkey)
  9. Name no less than two sports that were invented in England? (cricket, football, golf, rugby, horse riding, box)
  10. On what side of the road does the English transport go? (left)

Team 4

  1. What is the popular British band in 1960-s? (the Beatles)
  2. He is the British Queen`s son who has the title of the prince of Wales? (Prince Charles)
  3. What is the other name of Great Britain which was given to this country Julius Cesar? (the foggy Albion)
  4. What is the name of a French woman who lived two centuries ago in England and was famous with the wax figures? (Mm. Tussaud)
  5. What English writer was born in Stratford-upon-Avon? (W. Shakespeare)
  6. April 23, 1564. Why is this date so dear to the English? (W. Shakespeare was born)
  7. What English scientist wrote the Theory of the origin of man? (C. Darwin)
  8. Tea is the traditional English drink. What do the English usually drink tea with? (milk)
  9. What is rugby? (spot game which is usually played with oval ball, the town in England)
  10. What do the words ‘Trick or Treat’ mean? (children ask sweets at Halloween)

Team 5

  1. Where do the crows in England live? (Tower)
  2. What is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland? (Union Jack)
  3. What is the floral symbol of England? (red rose)
  4. What is kilt? (a skirt of tartan which only men in Scotland wear)
  5. Name “Six Serving Men” by Kipling. (who, what, where, when, why, how)
  6. Why can you see the harp on the Irish coin? (this is the national Irish instrument)
  7. What is the traditional English food? (fish and chips)
  8. What is double-decker? (a bus)
  9. What monument stands in the centre of Piccadilly Circus? (Nelson Column)
  10. What is the place of coronation of the British Monarchs? (Westminster Abbey)


2й раунд “Top-10 London Attractions”


(13 минут)

The second round is “Top 10 London attractions”. You are going to watch the video and answer the questions given on your sheets of paper. You have to circle the right variant and hand it to our jury.

Во втором раунде вы посмотрите небольшой видеоролик https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OEGwgxQQWC5zAv1TfDqC-KfRJBnIEMTi/view?usp=sharing и ответите на 10 вопросов. Листочки с заданиями находятся перед вами. Вам необходимо выбрать правильный вариант ответа и передать эти ответы членам жюри.



  1. An amazing destination documenting over 2 million years of human history.
  1. Tate Modern b) The British Museum c) The Natural History Museum


  1. You can find there 70 million specimens from the microscopic to the mammals.
  1. The National Gallery b) The British Museum c) The Natural History Museum


  1. It receives more visitors a year then Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids.
  1. London Eye b) The Tower of London c) The Science Museum


  1. There you can be closer with celebrities and royalty.
  1. Royal Museums Greenwich b) Madame Tussauds London

c) Tower of London

5) You can find there Leonardo da Vinci’s notebook and Mick Jagger’s jumpsuit.

a) The Tower of London b) Tate Modern c) Victoria and Albert Museum


6) Here you can enjoy masterpieces of such artists as Van Gog, Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Turner for free.

a) Tate Modern b) The Royal Museums Greenwich c) The National Gallery


7) You can explore the beautiful queen’s house backdropped to numerous feature films

a) The Royal Museums Greenwich b) The Tower of London c) The London Eye


8) Here you can travel back in time.

a) The British Museum b) The Natural History Museum c) The Science Museum


9) Here you can admire wonderful masterpieces of contemporary art.

a) The National gallery b) Tate Modern c) The British Museum


10) The dazzling crown jewels are held there.

a) The Tower of London b) Victoria and Albert Museum c) The British Museum


3й раунд Home task «Конкурс переводчиков»


The third round is “Home task”. You had to make the translation of the poem. Now each team has to recite the poem and read the translation.

3й раунд – домашнее задание. Вам нужно было дома выполнить перевод стихотворения. Сейчас каждая команда читает стихотворение и его перевод.

A flash of lightening streaks across the sky.
We huddle close beneath the trembling eaves
As thunder roars a nightmare lullaby,
And strips the trees outside of summer leaves.

The fire is warm. Its light is warmer still.
A gentle beacon holding back the dark.
Yet, in the light of day, we know we will
Deny the fearful pounding of our hearts.

The ancient wonder once again is near.
The fury of the storm awakes our past.
When gods and nature both were to be feared.
And spells of warding were by fire cast.

An autumn storm returns us to that place
When nature's glory awed the human race.




4й раунд “Language skills”


The fourth round is “Language skills”. Here we would like to find out the level of grammar and vocabulary skills. You have 5 minutes to do the task.

В 4й раунде ребята покажут нам свои знания лексики и грамматики. (Детям даны карточки с вариантами ответа. Они должны прочитать, выбрать правильный вариант ответа и передать жюри карточки)

  1. A: Have we time for another coffee?
  1. Yes, please. B) I think so. C) Well done.
  1. Why are you going to see him?
  1. Not long. B) Just for a little chat. C) Nothing in particular.
  1. What a beautiful dress!
  1. I`d love to. B) Thank you. I bought it last week. c) You did a super job.
  1. How long will you be out?
  1. Soon after ten. B) In a moment. C) Not long.
  1. The person who is in charge of the restaurant is the …
  1. Patron b) chief c) boss
  1. Another word for a doctor is a …
  1. Physics b) physician c) physicist
  1. Nobody likes to pay … prices.
  1. Big b) high c) tall d) great
  1. There are quite a few islands off the west … of Scotland.
  1. Shore b) seaside c) coast
  1. We`ve been … with the same company for years.
  1. Treating b) dealing c) using
  1. She got frightened and her face went white as a …
  1. Snow b) sheet c) paper
  1. The police … to find the criminal.
  1. Is unable b) were unable c) was unable
  1. This answer is preferable to any …
  1. Every b) each c) other
  1. I took my daughters to the airport and saw them …
  1. Off b) out c) over
  1. Michael … this movie two times.
  1. Sees b) has seen c) is seeing
  1. “Don`t swim too far, dear,” asked Mom.
  1. Mom asked her not to swim too far.
  2. Mom asked her don`t swim too far.
  3. Mom asked if she wouldn`t swim too far.
  1. She looks …
  1. Pleasant b) pleasantly c) that`s she`s pleasant
  1. … are musical people as a rule.
  1. An Italian b) the Italian c) the Italians
  1. Your car is … than mine.
  1. More larger b) very much larger c) larger
  1. Will you have a cigarette?
  1. If you like. B) In a moment. C) I think so.
  1. Oughtn`t we to take a taxi?
  1. If you like. B) Not yet. C) No, thank you.


5й раунд “Speaking”


The fifth round is “Speaking”. So, now, have a look at the screen. After watching the cartoon you have to explain the main idea of the cartoon.

В 5 раунде вам предстоит просмотреть видео и объяснить основной смысл.



Заключение и подведение итогов

And now our jury will tell us the results and name the winner.

Great job!!! You did your best today.

Члены жюри подсчитывают результаты и называют победителя


  • Протокол для членов жюри «The smartest»



Round 1

“Country Study”



Round 2

“Top-10 London Attractions”


Round 3

“Home task”



Round 4

“Language Skills”



Round 5
























































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Опубликовано: 05.12.2023