Christmas: Where's Santa?

Автор: Алеся Андреевна Суркова

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №35 г. Пензы

Населенный пункт: г. Пенза

Автор: Фотеева Алла Андреевна

Организация: МБОУ МГ №4 «Ступени» г. Пензы им. Н. М. Пазаева

Населенный пункт: г. Пенза

Where is Santa?

Начало: Дети поют песню Snowflake

Надя и Ульяна читают стихи


Ульяна: Candy canes are in your stocking

Ho-ho-ho says Santa knocking

Santa Claus is very glad

Children haven’t been so bad!

Надя: Christmasiscoming! Presents are ready! Reindeer with sleigh are ready too! Let's call Santa!

ВикаиУльянавместе: Santa! Santa!

Ульяна: Where is Santa? I can't see him anywhere! Santa's lost!

Вика: What can we do now? Children are waiting for Christmas presents!

Ульяна: Let's find him! Where can he be?

Вика: Let's have a look... England, Scotland, the USA or Australia

Ульяна: Let's take reindeer and go to these countries!

Вместе: Rudolgh!


Эльфывместе: Hi guys!

Матвей: Hey! What happened?

Ульяна: Santa's lost! We need find him!

Матвей: Ok! Where are we going?

Эльфы: To England!

Матвей: Let'sgo!


Делают 2 кругапосцене


Илья и Арсений читают стихи и раздают открытки.


Арсений:Can’t you hear the sleigh bells ringing?
Reindeer up so high.
Can’t you hear the children singing,
As they’re watching in the sky?


Илья: Isn’t it fun
To say “Merry Christmas”
To everyone?
Time for a party
And presents and things
That make children happy
And give them all wings!

We wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happy NY!

Большая семья собралась возле елки в рожд. свитерах., с ободками. ЮляК., АртемЕ., ПолинаХ.

Полина: Guys! Look!

Юля: What is it?

Артем: It's a Christmas tree!

Полина: Right! And what else can you see?

Юля: Toys, lights...

Артем: But lights aren't shining!

Полина: Christmas tree is sad. Let's make it laugh!

Юля: Let's sing a song for it!


Песня: Christmas tree



Полина: Mummy, daddy, the Christmas tree is so beautiful!

Вера: Hooray! Look! There are sweets under the tree!

Саша: Let's make a circle! Cross your arms and up!


Вера: Look under the tree again. What else can you see?

Саша: (Christmas cards) Let's give it to each other!


Вера: But where are presents?

Саша: Santa hasn't come yet...

ЭльфВика: Santa isn't here! We have to find him! Scotland is near! Let's go there!Шотландия:

Выкатываютбочку, поютпесню It's Christmas time again!


Федор: It's Christmas eve!

The lights are blinking

And the stars are twinkling

With the moon giving light

That is guide through the night!


Лида: читаетстих

Соня: читаетстих


Федор: Let's burn the barrel!



Эльф Викаиолень: Stop! Stop!

Эльф: Christmas isn't coming! Santa's lost!

Дети: Oh, no!

Федор: What can we do?

Эльф: Just wait!

Олень: We'll find him.

Федор: Ok! Don't be sad! Let'splay!


Викторинасо звуками



ЭльфУльяна: Where are we?

ОленьМатвей: I don't know.


ОленьиЭльф: School!

Лера: Excuse me! Are you actors? It's time for us to sing a song! Can you go out, please!

ЭльфУльяна: Oh, no! We're Santa's helpers. Real helpers!

ОленьМатвей: Santa's lost! We're finding him!

Лера: Santa's lost? Oh, dear... But we can't help you, we're really sorry....


Аделина: Can you hear that? Santa's lost!

Артем: Hooray! We can be naughty!

Настя: No! We can't!

Ирина: Come on! Everything will be ok!

Настя: But we stay without presents!

Ирина: Keep calm! Look!

Лера: Children! Be Careful! Once again, please!


Лера: What’s going on? I don’t understand!

Ульяна: I understand… If Santa’s lost they could behave naughty

Олень: Exactly!

Учитель: But what can we do now?


Ульяна: Dear children, Santa hasn’t seen the list of good boys and girls yet! Rudolgh, write!

Матвей: Whoisbad?


Артем: Adelina!

Аделина: Artem!

записываютАделина, Артем

Настя: Stop! Please! Stop!

Ирина: We become better!



МатвейчитаетстихSanta’s watching

Лера: Thank you so much! I’d like to help you! I’ve got an idea! I’ll call my friend, he’s from Australia!


Викторина для больших детей


Место: Австралия

Пляж. Санта сидит в футболке, шортах, сланцах и очках, загорает, ловит рыбу.

Ест печенье с молоком.

К нему подходят дети.

РомаП: Look! It’s Santa!

БогданК: Real Santa? What’s he doing over there?

РомаП: Let’s go to him!

БогданК: Are you real Santa?


Santa: Yes

Рома: Play with us!


ИграНадя – флешмоб

Надя – Rocking around Xmas tree


Эльфы: Santa! Santa! We’ve found you!

Santa: Hi guys!

Ульяна: Dear Santa! Christmas is coming!

Вика: Children are waiting for Christmas presents!

Santa: Oh no! Let’s go!


ПесняSanta Claus is coming to town




ФинальнаяпесняI wanna wish you a Merry Christmas



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Опубликовано: 06.12.2023