Лингвострановедческий конкурс «Halloween»

Автор: Ратина Надежда Федоровна

Организация: МБОУ Лицей №103 «Гармония»

Населенный пункт: Красноярский край, г. Железногорск


Урок-путешествие “Halloween” адресован учащимся 8-9 классов, которые изучали тему «Праздники» на уроках и посещали лекционные часы по английскому языку страноведческой и культуроведческой тематики.

Цели урока заключаются в обобщении и контроле усвоенного материала по теме «Праздник Хэллоуин», а также в совершенствовании умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по всем видам речевой деятельности (аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму).

На занятии ученики вовлечены в различные виды работ: фронтальная (вопросы учителя), индивидуальная (выполнение тестов-квизов, рассказы о предсказаниях), парная (взаимопроверка работ), групповая (придумывание окончаний историй, отгадывание кроссворда, составление предложений).

Урок построен в форме путешествия по стране «Хэллоуин», в котором счастливый Jack-o-Lantern (рисунок улыбающейся тыквы, прикрепленный на магнит) помогает ученикам делать остановки по изученному материалу: «История праздника», «Суеверия», «Символы», «Злые духи», «Страшные истории» и «Игры».

В конце путешествия дети находят сюрприз - конфеты, выполнив задание на остановке «Игры».

Яркое, красочное оформление украшает урок, а разнообразные интересные задания делают его привлекательным для учащихся. На доске висит карта путешествия; рисунки учеников с чудовищами, с забавными подписями под ними; стихотворения о празднике «Хэллоуин». На уроке используется разнообразный раздаточный материал: 2 кроссворда, карточки со страшными историями, тесты “Evil Spirits”, карточки со словами, из которых нужно составить предложения.

Некоторые ученики выучили стихотворения на английском языке о Хэллоуине и сделали русский перевод в стихах.

Необходимый раздаточный материал дается в приложении к сценарию данного урока – путешествия “Halloween”.


Цель урока:

- обобщить изученный на лекционных уроках материал по теме “Halloween”;

- совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму;

- углубить и расширить знания по теме “Halloween”;

- повысить интерес и мотивацию к изучению английского языка.


Оснащение урока:

Тема урока “Halloween English”; карта путешествия по стране “Halloween”; картинки со скелетом, гоблином, ведьмой, привидением развешаны на доске; тесты “Evil Spirits” на каждого ученика; два кроссворда; карточки со словами, из которых нужно составить предложения; сюрприз (конфеты), спрятанный в камине английского кабинета; классная доска с ответами на “Evil Spirits’ quiz”; тексты с “Ghost Story” на каждого ученика; газеты “English” по данной теме.


Этапы урока:

1. Введение: сообщение темы урока, его задач и целей, формы его проведения.

2. “The history, traditions and customs of Halloween”. Задание на понимание речи: догадайтесь, о чем говорят.

3. “Superstitions”. Короткие высказывания учащихся о суевериях, гаданиях на Хэллоуин.

4. “Evil Spirits”. Индивидуальное выполнение теста учащимися.

5. “Ghost Stories”. Групповая творческая работа – придумать конец «страшной» истории.

6. “Symbols”. Заполнение кроссворда в группах по теме “Halloween Symbols”.

7. “Halloween Games”. Составить предложения из слов, данных вразбивку, и выполнить задание. Работа в группах.

8. Заключение. Нахождение сюрприза “Surprise”. Подведение итогов работы на уроке. Выставление оценок.


Ход урока:


The Demonstrative Lesson.


Teacher: Good morning, Boys and Girls! Good morning dear colleagues! Glad to see you at my lesson. Today is the 31st of October, the wonderful holiday celebrated in most English-speaking countries – “Halloween”. We’ve read some information about this holiday. We’ve spoken about its superstitions, traditions, symbols and games for several lessons. Today we are going to have a nice traveling to the country called “Halloween”. If you get through all the tasks of this traveling, you’ll get a surprise at the end of it. This is a map of our traveling and that is a happy jack-or-lantern which will help us in it. Let’s start our journey.


1. Our first stop is the history of Halloween, its traditions and customs. Your first task is Guess what or who I am speaking about.

(Учитель называет различные факты из истории Хэллоуина, учащиеся должны догадаться, о чем идет речь).

  1. These people first celebrated Halloween many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland.

Who are they? (The Celts or the Druids)

b) This holiday was celebrated by the Celts on the 1st of November. What holiday was it?

(New Year)

c) Our modern celebration of Halloween is a descendant of the Celtic fire festival. What

was its name?

(Summer’s End or Samhain)

d) It was believed that all the souls of people who had died that year would only go to

heaven the day before Hallows’ Day. What day was it?

(The First of November)

e) The first meaning of Halloween was to frighten and send away the souls of the dead.

What is the 2nd meaning of Halloween?

(Holy or sacred)

f) It is an old tradition. Children walk from one door to another one in the neighborhood

and shout. What do they shout?

(Trick or Treat)

g) According to an old Irish legend lanterns got their names from a man who was so stin-

gy (жадный) with his money that he wasn’t allowed into heaven. So he had a deal with the devil and had to walk around the world with a lantern received from this devil. What was his name?


h) Because children smear the windows of houses and cars with shaving cream or soap or

they sometimes bombard doors with turnips and cabbages, Halloween is often called in

another way. What is its name?

(Mischief Night)


2. Teacher: I see that you’ve got through this task quite well. Let’s go to another stop. It’s called “Superstitions”. You know the Druids were great fortune – tellers. Many Halloween superstitions started because people wanted to know what would happen to them in the future. What superstitions do you know? Tell us about some of them.

(Учащиеся рассказывают о различных гаданиях и предсказаниях, которые проводились в канун дня всех Святых много лет тому назад в Америке или в Британии. Текст”Superstitions”дается в приложении к сценарию), например:


Student 1: While eating an apple, brush or comb your hair in front of a mirror at midnight. Soon the form of your future husband or wife will be reflected in the mirror.

Student 2: If you put an apple under your pillow, you can dream a wish and eat the apple in the morning etc.

Teacher: Today is the eve of Halloween and at night you may test some of charms and know if it is true or not.


3. Let’s go to the next stop which is connected with evil spirits. You know that in many English-speaking countries both children and grown-ups take part in festivals and carnivals organized in the streets. They dress up in the costumes of various evil spirits to deceive and keep them away. What evil spirits do you know?

(Дети называют некоторых злых духов: goblins, witches, knockers, banshees and others).


Teacher: Everybody of you will be given a small quiz on evil spirits. Your task is to match the words of evil spirits on the left with their descriptions on the right, for example: 1 – g.

Teacher: Write down your surnames in the top right – hand corner of the quiz with a pen, please.

( Тест выполняется в течении 4-5 минут. Затем учитель просит обменяться тестами в парах и проверить работы друг друга, сверяя с ответами, написанными на доске учителем, и закрытыми до проверки картинкой. Оценка «5» ставится, если не было ошибок. Оценка «4» ставится, если были от одной до трех ошибок)

Teachers: Change your quizzes with each other. Check them looking at the answers written on the blackboard. Who’s got “5” and “4’, put up your hands! That’s fine. You’ve done this quiz wonderfully.


4. Teachers: Let’s go to another stop of our travelling. The name of it is “Ghost Stories”. On Halloween night different parties are organized. Children like to read or tell ghost stories. But some ghost stories have been told so often that you may know the endings of them without having to hear them. I’d like to give such stories. You should work in groups now. Let’s divide into two groups. Your task is to understand the story and to make up the ending of it. After making it up one of the pupils of each group will tell the ending of this ghost story.

(Учитель дает 5 минут на подготовку конца «страшной» истории. Если позволяет время, учитель может спросить «слабого» ученика пересказ «страшной» истории по-русски. «Сильные» учащиеся рассказывают конец «страшной» истории по-английски, придуманный в группе кратко)


5. Teacher: Our next stop is called “Halloween Symbols”. Everybody knows that each holiday has its own symbols that show if it is Christmas, Easter or Halloween. Halloween has its own symbols too. You know some of them. Your next task is to fill in the crossword.

(Ученики заполняют кроссворд. Затем они проверяют друг друга, зачитывая ответы из кроссворда по очереди и спрашивая: “Is it right or wrong?” и отвечают: “That’s right” или “That’s wrong”)


6. Teacher: Our last stop is called “Games”. It is connected with different Halloween games that are played at parties on Halloween night. Do you remember any Halloween games? Name some of them.

(Дети называют несколько игр, например: “Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin”, “Pass the Orange”, “Keep the Balloon in the Air”, Find the Pumpkin”, “Get Off My Hat”, “Feed the Monster” and Bobbing the Apple”).

Teacher: You are going to have a short game too. Make up a sentence from the given words and do what these sentences say.

(Каждой группе учеников дается по предложению, которое разрезано на отдельные сло- ва, ученики составляют предложения и выполняют задания: сначала рассказывают стихи, потом находят сюрприз в камине кабинета английского языка)


If you recite a poem about Halloween, you will get a treat.


If you go to the fireplace, you will find a treat there.



7. Teacher: I see that you’ve worked very well at the lesson. Our Halloween traveling has come to an end. I think you’ve enjoyed it and got a lot of pleasure. Thank you very much for your participation.

(Учитель подводит итоги работы на уроке, выставляет оценки и благодарит всех за участие.



Литература, используемая на лекционных часах по английскому языку по теме “Halloween”:


1. Учебник “Happy English II” Т. Клементьевой, Обнинск, издательство «Титул», 1997 год, стр. 126.

2. Учебник “English” (6 th Year) А. П. Старкова, Санкт-Петербург, издательство «Специальная литература», 1996 г., стр. 75-76.

3. Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных школ “British Festivals”, Санкт-Петербург, издательство «Питер Пресс», 1996г., стр. 49-62.

4. Газеты “English”, приложение к газете «Первое сентября», № 37-38, № 41-42, 1993 год; № 40, October, 1998 г.; № 39, 2001г.

5. Журнал “Speak Out”, № 5/2002 г., стр.10-11, № 5/2003г., стр.2-5.

6. The Internet.


Fill in the Crossword:


Across clues:


1. Lord of the Dead and Prince of Darkness (The Celtic word).

2. The colour of death.

3. A hollowed pumpkin with openings cut to represent a human face (eyes, a nose and a mouth) with a candle or other light inside.

4. A day or time of celebration marked by feasting, ceremonies, etc.

5. The month in which Halloween takes place.

6. A woman who is believed to practice magic, especially black magic.

7. A small present given to children when they visit nearby houses on a Halloween day.

8. The synonym of the word Satan.

9. A large, edible, orange-yellow fruit.




The answers: 1 - Samhain; 2 – black; 3 – Lantern; 4 – festival; 5 – October;

6 – Witch; 7 – treat; 8 – demon; 9 – pumpkin





Ghost Story One


John was driving home late one night when he saw a young lady waiting by a bus stop. He stopped his car and told her that he didn’t think the buses were running that late at night and offered to give her a ride. It was cold so he took off his jacket and gave it to her. John found out that the girl’s name was Mary and she was going to her home. After an hour’s drive, they arrived at her home and he let her off by the front door. John said ‘good night’ and then went home himself. The next day John remembered that Mary still had his jacket. He drove to her house and knocked on the door. An old woman answered. John told her about the ride he had given her daughter, Mary, and told her that he had come to get back his jacket. The old woman looked very confused (смущенной). Then John saw a picture of Mary on the fireplace. He pointed to it and told the old woman that it was a picture of the girl to which he had given a ride. What did the old

woman tell John?


The answer:


The old woman told John that her daughter had been dead for many years. She was buried in a cemetery that was about an hour’s drive away near a bus stop. John went to the cemetery. He saw his jacket folded neatly on the top of a grave. The name on the tombstone was Mary.


Ghost Story Two


Long ago a young man met and fell in love with a beautiful young girl. She was always dressed nicely and she always wore a black ribbon around her neck. Soon the man and the woman were married. They moved into a little cottage by the sea. They lived very happily, but soon the young man became more and more curious as to why his wife wore a ribbon around her neck all the time. One day he decided to ask her. The only answer he received was that he would be sorry if she took it off, so she would not take it off. The young man was not happy with his wife’s answer. Time passed and he thought and thought about that black ribbon. One day he awoke before his wife, went into her room and took a pair of scissors. After that he cut off the ribbon that was around her neck. What happened next?


The answer:


His wife woke up with a start. Her head fell off and rolled onto the floor while the woman screamed “I told you you’d be sorry!”




Evil Spirit’s Quiz


Match the words on the left with their descriptions on the right. (For example: 1 – d)



1. Banshee


2. Cucubuth


3. Demon


4. ELF


5. Fairy


6. Ghost




8. Goblin


9. Leprechaun


10. Poltergeist


11. Zombie

a) is a mischievous ugly spirit.


b) is a little old man with a wrinkled old face.


c) means “noisy ghost” in German.


d) is a female demon that is regarded as a death omen.


e) is a corpse reanimated by witchcraft.


f) is a small delicate nocturnal (ночное) good or bad being (существо).


g) is a female demon feeding on dead bodies and human flesh, dead or alive.


h) is a disembodied spirit.


i) is taken from the Greek “daimon” which means “divine power”(предсказывать).


j) is both a vampire and werewolf together that feeds on flesh and blood.


k) is a small dwarfish creature that steals children.



The answer: 1 – d, 2 – j, 3 – i, 4 – k, 5 – f, 6 – h, 7 – g, 8 – a, 9 – b; 10 – c, 11 – e.


(Газета “English” – еженедельное приложение к газете «Первое сентября», №37-38, №41-42 1993г.)


Halloween became a great fortune-telling night. People used charms or magic tests to make the spirits tell their future. Many Halloween superstitions started because people wanted to know what would happen to them in the future. Halloween stands first for little personal magic-making. Here are some of them.


1. To learn if a girl is really loved by her friend, she should put a chestnut into the fire and recite:

“If he loves me, pop and fly,

If he hates me, lie and die.”


2. Walk into a room backward at twelve o’clock at night on Halloween, looking over your left shoulder and you will see your future husband.


3. Peel an apple round and round in one piece. Swing the paring over your head three times. Throw it over your left shoulder saying:

“By this paring let me discover,

The initial letter of my true lover.”

The paring should fall to form the first letter of your true love’s name.


4. If you eat a crust of bread before going to bed on Halloween night, you can make a wish come true.


5. If a cat sits next to you on Halloween, you will have good fortune. If the cat jumps on your lap, you will enjoy fantastic luck.


6. If a boy cuts ten ivy leaves, throws one away and puts the others under his pillow, his dream will tell him the future.


7. Place three saucers on a table, put clean water in the first one, dirty water in the second, and leave the third saucer empty, each member of the party is blindfolded and sent to make her or his own way to the table and see which saucer she or he finds. The clean water will always stand for the best fortune and the empty for the worst.


8. If a girl puts a small piece of wood in a glass of water on Halloween and sleeps with this beside her pillows, her dream will tell her the future.


9. Go alone into a dark room where there is a looking-glass. Eat an apple before it and at the last mouthful the face of your future husband will be seen peeping over your shoulder.


The Poems about Halloween


It’s Halloween Old Woman All Skin and Bones


There was an old woman all skin and bone

Who lived near the graveyard all alone.

It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween! O-o o-o o-o!

The moon is full and bright She thought she‘d go to church one day

And we shall see what can’t be seen To hear the parson preach and pray.

  1. any other night. O-o o-o o-o!

And when she came to the church-house stile

Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls, She thought she’d stop and rest awhile.

Grinning goblins fighting duels, O-o o-o o-o!

Werewolves rising from their tombs, When she came up to the door

  1. on their magic brooms. She thought she’d stop and rest some more.

O-o o-o o-o!

In masks and gowns But when she turned and looked around

We haunt the street She saw a corpse upon the ground.

And knock on doors O-o o-o o-o!

  1. trick or treat. From its nose down to its chin

The worms crawled out, and the worms

Tonight we are crawled in.

The king and queen, O-o o-o o-o!

For oh tonight The woman to the preacher said,

It’s Halloween! “Shall I look like that when I am dead?’

O-o o-o o-o!

Jack Prelutsky The preacher to the woman said,

“ You’ll look like that when you are dead!”

(Now scream:)



Look around! They’re always there

At night they catch you unaware

Haunting halls which glow in the dark

Making calls like spooky larks.

Ghosts are there whatever you do

So beware! Beware! It might be you!

Lucia Chaplin


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Опубликовано: 15.12.2023