Формирование читательской грамотности учащихся

Автор: Солодовникова Наталья Николаевна

Организация: МАОУ «ЦО им. И. А. Милютина СП Гимназия № 8»

Населенный пункт: Вологодская область, г.Череповец

Данные упражнения разработаны для учителей иностранного языка, работающих на уровне ООО для формирования читательской грамотности учащихся. Упражнения рекомендуется использовать на уроке в той последовательности, как он представлены в данной работе.

Сначала учащимся предлагается прочитать текст, затем подумать над главной идеей текста и выполнить несколько упражнений на отработку лексики текста. В ходе тренировки слов учащиеся могут проверить себя сами, также проверить своего одноклассника. Также учащимся предлагается разыграть диалог с опорой на отработанные слова из текста и сам текст.

  1. Учитель может предложить ученикам написать краткий пересказ данного текста в качестве домашнего задания или написать свой собственный рассказ (для более сильных учеников).Read the story. (Прочитайте рассказ)

“A Blue Pencil”

Alice was drawing a picture, but she had only one blue pencil. She decided to ask her classmate for a green pencil. But Dasha was very rude to Alice. I am not sure, but maybe Alice is poor. I am sure that Dasha is rich.

When they handed in their pictures to the teacher, she was surprised. Alice’s picture was drawn with only a blue pencil. “Alice, why did you draw a picture in blue with no other colours?”

“I am sorry, teacher, but I have only one pencil, and it is blue,” said Alice. “I asked Dasha to loan me a green pencil, but she said no.”

The teacher was surprised, “Dasha is usually kind.” But then the teacher learned from other classmates that Dasha was often rude with her classmates.

The next day, before class, the teacher said to Alice, “I want you to have these pencils so that you can draw pictures with many colours.”

Alice was so happy and she shared her new pencils with other pupils in her class. The other girls were kind to her and helped her too.

The students didn’t speak to Dasha all that day. The next day Dasha went to Alice, “I am sorry for being stingy. I know that is a very bad thing. Please forgive me.” Dasha had learned a lesson.

  1. Understanding the story. (Понимание прочитанного)

What is the main idea of the story? (устный ответ учащегося 1-2 предложения: I think/consider the main idea of the story is …)

  1. Vocabulary Practice. (Работа с текстом)
  1. Choose a word on the right that is an antonym to word on the left
  2. Rude 1.generous
  3. Hand in 2. borrow
  4. Loan 3. kind
  5. Share 4. receive
  6. Stingy 5. keep for oneself

Now check your partner (проверь своего одноклассника)

  1. Rude 1.kind
  2. Hand in 2. receive
  3. Loan 3. keep for oneself
  4. Share 4. borrow
  5. Stingy 5. generous
  1. Put these sentences in order by numbering them 1-5
  1. The other students said that Dasha was rude to classmates.
  2. Alice had only one pencil.
  3. The teacher gave Alice new coloured pencils.
  4. Dasha did not loan a pencil to Alice.
  5. Alice handed in her “blue” drawing.

Now check yourself (проверь себя)

  1. The other students said that Dasha was rude to classmates. (4)
  2. Alice had only one pencil. (1)
  3. The teacher gave Alice new coloured pencils.(5)
  4. Dasha did not loan a pencil to Alice. (2)
  5. Alice handed in her “blue” drawing. (3)
  1. Role Play. (Составьте и представьте диалог, 10 реплик)
  1. Dasha and Alice: Alice asks Dasha for a pencil.
  2. Two students: they talk about Dasha or Alice, or bothСписок использованной литературы
  3. Lessons in Kindness: ACCESSing English through Students’ Stories. By English Access Microscholarship Students in Russia, with Myrtis Mixon. – M.: «РЕПЕТИТОР МультиМедиа», 2009. – XXX c.


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Опубликовано: 25.12.2023