No smoking

Автор: Лопатова Юлия Михайловна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №9

Населенный пункт: г.Куйбышев

and your health

Презентация для урока


Smoking is a bad habit


◊A cigarette contains nicotine

◊Nicotine damages our brains and lungs

◊Smoking causes different diseases


Passive smoking


◊It is very harmful for surrounding people as well, especially for children




◊ Smokers become aggressive and violent they can be under the influence of alcohol or drags.

◊These people can commit a crime.


Care for your health


◊Smoking is bad for your health and disgusting

◊It is very difficult to stop

◊It will lead you to the failure .




◊ Sport helps you to be healthy.

◊It makes you stronger and happier

◊Sport is the greatest activity against bad habits.

◊Every time you want to smoke think at first then choose …


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Опубликовано: 09.01.2024