Открытый урок «A family is a little world created by love»

Автор: Шубина Алина Владимировна

Организация: ГОУ ЛНР «Кабычевская ООШ»

Населенный пункт: Луганская область, с.Кабычевка

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.

Цель урока:

1. систематизация изученной лексики по теме «My family».

2. развитие навыков монологической речи.

Задачи урока:


1. повторение и закрепление ранее пройденного лексического материала по теме “Family”

2.преодоление коммуникативного и эмоционального барьера при говорении на английском языке;


1. развивать навыки аудирования;

2. развивать навыки самостоятельной работы;

3. развивать внимание, мышление, логику высказывания.

4. учить детей делать презентации творческих проектов.


1. воспитывать интерес к англоязычной культуре, быть вежливым;

2. развивать интерес к изучению английского языка;

УУД (универсальные учебные действия):

Личностные: обучить учащихся учебному сотрудничеству и взаимодействию друг с другом.

Коммуникативные: формировать умения слушать, работать в паре, в группе.

Познавательные: уметь осознано строить речевое высказывание по образцу.

Регулятивные: моделировать ситуации поведения в классе, с целью дальнейшего использования в реальных коммуникативных ситуациях.

Методы обучения:

- словесный метод;

- наглядный метод;

- практический метод;

- метод самостоятельной работы;

- использование компьютерных технологий.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности:

- индивидуальная;

- фронтальная;

Средства обучения:

- аудиовизуальные (компьютер, медиапроектор);

- информационные ( раздаточный материал);

- медиаресурсы (презентация).


І. Орг.момент.

1. Приветствие.

T: Good morning, children! Take your seats, please. Dear friends! Today we are having an unusual lesson, because too many guests have come to us. Your task today is to use all the information you know on the topic while speaking and doing different tasks. I can`t avoid asking about your health and our today`s weather. (слайд 2)

T: How are you today?

Pls: I am OK. Thank you .

T: Draw a face. If you feel well , draw a happy face. If not, draw a sad one.

T: Who is on duty today? What day is it today? What date is it today? What is the weather like today?

ІІ. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

1. Постановка целей и задач урока.

T: Pupils, look at the blackboard and listen to me. Try to guess what we’ll talk today about.

(слайд 3)

This is my father.

This is my mother.

This is my brother Paul.

This is my sister.

This is my grandmother.

How I love them all.

Pls : today we will speak about family.

T: That’s right. At today’s lesson we’ll speak about family.

2. Фонетическая разминка.

T: Let’s start with our phonetic drill.

a) Let’s practice English sounds. Read the transcriptions of the words and translate them.

(cлайд 4)

b) The next task is: match the pairs. (слайд 5)

III. Введение в иноязычную культуру.

T: As you know mother and father – parents – are the dearest people in the world. We can`t live without their care, advice, kindness and life experience.

a) As I know all of you have the family, but I have no idea what of family members you have. Could you tell me? Answer my questions, please. Be active and speak loudly.

  • Have you got mother (father, a sister, a brother)?
  • Is your family happy (friendly, trendy, closed)?
  • What is your mother`s name?
  • How old is your mother?
  • What is your mother`s hobby?

b) Children, look at the blackboard please. Answer my questions. (слайд 6)

  • Can we see a family in the picture?
  • Is the family large or small?
  • Where are the father, the mother and their daughter sitting?
  • What is the father doing?
  • What is the mother doing?
  • Are the brothers playing ball?
  • Do you like this family?

ІV. Обобщение и закрепление знаний.

1) Развитие навыков чтения.

T: so, pupils, tell me “What is a family?” (слайд 7)

T: What is a family?

Who is a family?

Pl 1: One and another makes two it is a family, (слайд 8)

Pl 2: Baby and father and mother: a family, (слайд 9)

Pl 3: Parents and sister and brother: a family.

Pl 4: All kinds of people can make up a family, (слайд 10)

Pl 5 : All kinds of mixtures can make up a family.

T: What is a family? (слайд 11)

Who is a family?

Pl 6: The children that lived in a shoe it is a family! (слайд 12)

Pl 7: A pair like Kanga and Roo it is a family!

Pl 8: A calf and a cow that go moo it is a family!

Pl 9: All kinds of creatures can make up a family, (слайд 13)

Pl 10: All kinds numbers can make up a family. (слайд 14)

Pl 11: All of your family plus you it is a family. (слайд 15)

2. Развитие навыков аудирования.

T: Children! I’ve got something interesting for you. I have a letter from an English girl. Her name is Jane. (Показать письмо и фото Джейн) (слайд 16)

Listen to her story and be ready to answer the questions:

– How old is Jane?
– Where is she from?

a) Первое прослушивание.

My name is Jane. I’m from Great Britain. I live in London. I’m eleven.
My family is not large. I’ve got a mother. Her name is Gloria. She likes to sing and to dance. She is a doctor.
I’ve got a father. His name is Andrew. He’s a driver. He likes to go in for sports.
I’ve got a brother. He is 20. His name is Robert.
love my family very much.

Обсуждение текста.

b) Второе прослушивание. Задание перед прослушиванием.

Jane tells us about her family. Be ready to answer the next questions.

– What are her parents’ names?
– What are they?
– What do they like to do?
– What can you tell us about her brother?

3. Физкультминутка.

T: I see you are tired. To my mind it’s time to have a rest. Let’s do physical exercises.

4. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

a) Защита презентаций. (слайд 17)

T: So, family plays an important role in our life, of course. Now some pupils are ready to tell us about their families. So, let’s listen to them . l take this “magic” apple – a symbol of a united family. Pass it to your friend after you`ve finished your story.

T: I see, most of you have very happy families. Let`s sing a song and relax.(слайд 18)

5. Активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Взаимоотношения в семье».

T: Relations in the family are very important. What do you think about parent’s responsibilities?

Pupil 1: Parents must give their children more love.

Pupil 2: Parents must talk to their children more often.

Pupil 3: Parents must help their children with problems they have at school.

Pupil 4: Parents must try to understand their children.

Pupil 5: Parents must set a good example to their children.

T: Thank you. I think all members of the family must help each other.

6. Развитие навыков письменной речи.

T: And now it is time to write.

a) Complete the sentences with the words: friendly, caring, loving, big, help, love, sister , mother, grandmother, father, understand.

  1. have got a … family. My family is … . There are 5 of us :…. . All members of our family … each other. and my … do the washing up, sweep the floor, feed our pets every day. Our parents help us with problems we have at school. Our … cooks breakfast for the family. Our mother and father are …. and …. parents. They love and … us. Our mother and father set a good example to us. can’t imagine my life without the family, because I … them very much.

b) Find as many words as you can in this puzzle? Go down and across (слайд 19,20)

  • D A U G H T E R
  • W H E R E B S F
  • Y O A R F R I A
  • S U U M A O S M
  • O N N O T T T I
  • N C T T H H E L
  • N L T H E E R Y
  • K E I E R R H E
  • S W A R X M W S


7. Минутка счастья .


T: Children, do you know how to be happy?

American psychologists do.

They know seven rules.

What are they?

Love your family. Be friendly. Be fair. Smile. Help other people. Don’t speak on others. More run, dance, sing and play.

V. Контроль знаний по темеFamily”.

a) Join the parts of the words. (слайд 21)


















b) Match the word with the picture. (слайд 22)

c) Find the opposites. (Слайд 23)

d) Выполнение электронного теста. Guess who they are?

my father and my mother are my…(parents)

my mother’s daughter is my … (sister)

my father’s mother is my …(grandmother)

my father’s brother is my …(uncle)

my mother’s sister is my …( aunt)

my aunt’s son is my …(cousin)

the daughter of my brother or a sister is my…(niece)

the son of my brother or a sister is my … (nephew)

  1. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

T: Today we have done a lot of work, we have spoken about the family. I would like to thank you for a good work. I give excellent marks to…, good marks to… Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!


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Опубликовано: 04.02.2024