Контрольная работа для 6 класса

Автор: Лопатова Юлия Михайловна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №9

Населенный пункт: г.Куйбышев

6 класс

II четверть


Listen and complete the sentences

  1. Mary likes Christmas because…. 2)Grantmother din`t visit Marry because
  1. a)she likes tasty food a) she was ill
  2. b)she likes Christmas gifts b) she likes a quiet life
  3. c)she meets her family c) she was visiting her children
  1. bought for her granny.. 4)Mary and her granny…together

a) a Christmas tree and a cake a)decorated the Christmas tree

b) a Christmas tree and some gifts b)made tea

c)Christmas gifts and a cake c)had tea


Read the text and match TRUE or FALSE


Last Christmas I went to Hollywood for two weeks. My best friend Laura was living there in the southwest of the USA. I travelled by plane to Los Angeles. Thirteen hours later I was in that famous city. Laura met me at the airport. We hugged and kissed each other and then drove to Hollywood in her car. We arrived home at midnight. The clock was just striking twelve.

The next day was Christmas Eve. In the morning Laura took me to Disneyland, which is not very far from Los Angeles. I didn`t think I could like the place but I enjoyed it very much. When we came back home, we began to decorate the Christmas tree. Soon the room looked very cosy with the Christmas stockings which hang over the fireplace and a small toy Santa with a red sack near it.

On Christmas day the weather was fine. It was warm and sunny. After breakfast we drove to church. We had a traditional dinner of turkey and vegetables at four in the afternoon and then we opened our gifts. I got a book about Los Angeles as a Christmas present.


1She went to New York true|false 2 Laura lived in the northeast true|false

3 She travelled by plane true|false 4 Laura met her at the station true|false

5 It was Christmas true|false 6 They decorated the Xmas tree true|false




Choose the right words to complete the sentences


1.This is the actor(whose| which)plays I enjoyed.2.Where(is|are) the money? 3.Who are you shouting(for|at).4.This is the pen(who|which) she bought.5.He is the boy(which|that)everybody knows.6.What do you do (on|at)Easter.


Put a suitable preposition


_Easter, _ a cold day, _the New Year Eve, _2016, _ December, _midnight,

_20 December, _Friday, _the evening, _noon, popular_ , to be fond_, the symbol_ Halloween


Write down how people celebrate Christmas in Great Britain.

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Опубликовано: 21.02.2024