19 карточек по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных»

Автор: Сюсюра Елена Анатольевна

Организация: МБОУ Чистоозерная СОШ №1

Населенный пункт: Новосибирская область, р.п. Чистоозерное

При работе над любой грамматической темой важно сформировать и закрепить навык, чтобы можно было потом автоматически применить его на практике. Для начала нужно четко отобрать грамматический минимум, что и сделано в предложенных карточках. Некоторые карточки составляли обучащиеся и их фамилии остались под карточкой. Обучащимся было предложено составить пять предложений, для того, чтобы на уроке учитель или обучающиеся во время взаимопроверки или самопроверки могли быстро поставить оценку. Сколько правильно сделанных предложений, такая и оценка! Следующее условие при составлении карточки: 1 предложение с прилагательным исключением. 2 предложения с коротким прилагательным, но в разных степенях сравнения и 2 предложения с длинным прилагательным, но в разных степенях сравнения. Наличие большого количества карточек с целенаправленными упражнениями обеспечивает многоразовую тренировку, что приводит к быстрому эффекту.


Version 1

  1. Today is____ than yesterday. cold
  2. The ______ winters are in Sochi. warm
  3. A car is much_____ than a bicycle . expensive
  4. This actor is the _____ . talented
  5. This thing is the _____ . bad

Is Written by Voronetsky Artyom

Version 2

  1. Your sister reads _________ than my sister. GOOD
  2. My hair is _________ than your hair. LONG
  3. He is the __________ in our family. OLD

4. A rose is ___________ than a lily. BEAUTIFUL

5. Who is the __________ among you? CLEVER

Is written by Grabovskaya Natasha



Version 3

  1. This sofa is the _______ we have at home. COMFORTABLE
  2. My hair is _______than my brother's hair. DARK
  3. My dog the _____ dog in my neighborhood. SMART
  4. This park is much ______ than that park. BEAUTIFUL
  5. It's the ______ tree in our garden. OLD

Is written by Oldenburger Ivan


Version 4

1.Our village is much ____than other villages in Novosibirsk region. OLD

  1. Today is the ______sunset. WONDERFUL

3. People look_____when they eat than when they are hungry. HAPPY

4. I think this tree is____ than which we have seen. HIGH

  1. My flowers are_____ than yours. BAD


Is written by Rybalko Diana



Version 5

  1. Jules Verne's books are ___________ than classical literature. (interesting)
  2. My house is much______ than yours. (big)
  3. You are the _______ of them all. (lucky)
  4. This is the _______ day in my life. (bad)
  5. This bag the _______ in this shop. (expensive)

Is written by Kokorin Alexandr



Version 6

  1. The first school is the _______of all in our district. GOOD
  2. In order not to get sick you need to dress ______. WARM
  3. Today your clothing style is much ________ than yesterday. BEAUTIFUL
  4. You play ______ than the other team. BAD
  5. We found out that Helen had the _________ operation. PAINFUL

Is written by Shwadchenko Katya



Version 7

  1. I think that this plane is much….. than others. COMFORTABLE
    2) My friend Timur is the …. of all. LITTLE
    3) Her lunch is ……. than ours. TASTY
    4) Mike Toreno is the ….. person who is living in State San-Andreas. UNUSUAL
    5) Carl is the….man . LUCKY

Is written by Sharton Alexandr



Version 8

1) I am much….. than my sister. (fit)

2 )This event is the ……in my life. ( significant)

  1. The sofa in the living room is …. than in my room. (Comfortable)

4) I think football players are the…. sportsmen. (brave)

5) My mother is a…. cook than my dad. (Good)

Is written by Tikhonova Vika



Version 9


  1. book is much _________than the last one. 1. interesting
  2. is the_________ day in this year. 2. busy
  3. Today the weather is_________ than two days ago. bad
  4. We were given the__________ History textbook. old

5. Today the weather conditions are_the______ for

  1. flowers. 5. Favorable- благоприятные

Is written by Kychik Sonya



Version 10

  1. This sofa is the _______ we have at home. COMFORTABLE
  2. My hair is _______than my brother's hair. DARK
  3. My dog is _____than her dog. FAT
  4. This park is much ______ than that park. BEAUTIFUL
  5. It's the ______ tree in our garden. LITTLE

Is written by Isakov Alexey



Version 11

  1. Your sister reads _________ than my sister. GOOD
    2. My hair is _________ than your hair. LONG
    3. He is the __________ in our family. OLD
    4. A rose is ___________ than a lily. BEAUTIFUL
    5. Who is the __________ among you? BUSY

Is written by Grabovskaya Natasha


Card 12

1. This cat is the____________ (attractive).

2. This film is____________ (bad) than that one.

3. This book is____________ (interesting) than that one.

4. My grandfather is the____________ (kind).

5. This monkey is_____________ (funny) than that one.


Card 13

  1. The elephant is the_____________ (strong) animal.
  2. The wolf is______________ (terrible) than a dog.
  3. The giraffes neck is______________ (long) than other animals neck.
  4. London is the_____________ (beautiful) city.
  5. New York is______________ (good) than Detroit.






Card 14

1. Paris is the____________ (romantic) city.

2. I think England has___________ (beautiful) places than China.

3. I think in England castles are____________ (old) than in Spain.

4. In London the telephone boxes are____________ (big) than anywhere in

the world.

  1. Backwell and Southworld are the_____________ (little) towns in England.

Is written by Kachanovskaya Yana



Card 15

1. Jane is____________ (long) than Vanya.
2. The weather today is____________ (good) than yesterday.
3. Today I am the____________ (happy) person.
4. This book is the_____________ (interesting) in our home library.
5. Playing computer games is much______________ (dangerous) than watching TV much.

Is written by Parkhomenko Nastya


Card 16

1. Paris is____________ (beautiful) city than Kupino.
2. Paris is the____________ (romantic) city.
3. In Paris the Eifel Tower is___________ (high) than the Water Towel in Chistoozyornoe.
4. Big Ben is the____________ (big) clock in England.
5. The Thames is____________ (short) than the Volga.

Is written by Nad Stepan



Card 16

  1. It took Simon four months to complete his fairytale home. He managed to create a modern wooden eco-home – one of the __________________ houses you can imagine.



It was true. My mum was the __________________ woman in the world. BUSY


  1. And there is nothing __________________ than forest fires!”


  1. They say the __________________ thing about a smartphone is that you ‘can do everything with it!’



“You can take mine if you want,” said Cathy. I thanked her but her socks were two sizes __________ than I needed! SMALL



Card 17


1.I think boys are____________ (lazy) than girls.


2. My brother in the_____________ (sad) in our family.
3. Cat are______________ (attractive) than dogs.
4. Russian is the______________ (important) subject for me.
5. My brother is the______________ (little) in our family




Card 18


1.My grandfather is ____________than yours. OLD

2.The park in this street is ___________than the one next to it. LITTLE

3.I think Vladivostok is the __________city in the east of Russia. BIG

4.This film is the _____________ of all films that were released this year. INTERESTING

5.My sister is much __________than my brother.SOCIABLE

Is written by Balagin Alexandr




1.This garden is the ________in our town.BEAUTIFUL

2.She speaks Italian ________ than English. GOOD

3. The Arctic Ocean is much ____________than the Indian. COLD

4. I’m the _________man in the world today! HAPPY

5. The sinking of the Titanic is one of the ___________shipwreck stories of all time. FAMOUS

Is written by Gubar Anna



Опубликовано: 28.02.2024