Конспект открытого урока ''My city. Let's order some food''

Автор: Доркина Татьяна Геннадьевна

Организация: МОБУ «Муринская СОШ №5»

Населенный пункт: Ленинградская область, Всеволожский р–н, г.Мурино

Тип урока: тренировка ЛЕ по теме, урок комплексного применения знаний

УМК «Английский в фокусе», 6 класс, авторы Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В.Эванс.

Цель: формирование лексических навыков говорения по теме «Жизнь в городе (заказ еды по телефону, через интернет)»

Виды работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная, пара сменного состава, групповая, хоровая;

Все виды работы способствуют достижению поставленной цели и формированию языковых компетенций.

Ценность урока – формирование базовых языковых компетенций, практическая применимость в жизни.

Обучающий аспект:

- уметь применять ранее изученные лексические единицы по теме «Город» в новой коммуникационной ситуации (коммуникативные УУД);

- уметь читать, слушать и отвечать на вопросы (общеучебные УУД, коммуникативные УУД);

- уметь строить конструктивный диалог (коммуникативные УУД)

- тренировать навыки работы с информацией (познавательные УУД)

- моделирование иноязычного межкультурного общения.


Развивающий аспект:

- развивать умение планировать, организовывать и контролировать свою деятельность на уроке, соблюдая временные рамки (регулятивные УУД);

- развивать умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество; умение работать индивидуально, в парах и группе (регулятивные УУД);

- развивать фонематический слух (личностные УУД).


Воспитательный аспект:
- воспитывать культуру общения (коммуникативные и личностные УУД);

- воспитывать стремление к саморазвитию, самоконтролю (личностные УУД).


Этап урока


Ход урока



Good morning! I’m very glad to see you. Take your seats.

Today we are having an unusual lesson.


I’ m sure everything will be good and you will work well and quickly and we will get pleasure from our lesson.

So let’s get started. Don’t be afraid, please. Feel free today.

To begin with, I would like to say that you are well-organised today, everybody is ready and you are getting one more bonus in our game.


You can see some words on the board and I would like two students to divide these words into two groups: group № 1 and group №2. I need two persons.

Please, come up to the blackboard. You may start your work. I give you 2 minutes.

And you have to choose titles to these groups of words.

Be attentive, one title is extra. (words: café, pizza house, sushi bar, snack bar, food court, pizza, cakes, sushi, pasta, meat and potato; titles: places, food, activities)



While they are doing this task, we are going to read some poem. Repeat after me, all together. Let’s train our memory, some have just disappeared.

This is my town, come with me.

There are a lot of places. Come and see!


There is a town square, There is a café.

There is a sport centre I go on Sunday.


This is my town, come with me.

There are a lot of places. Come and see!


There are some supermarkets and some shops.

There are buses and some bus stops.


If you are ready, take your seat, please.

Let’s check this task. Is everything OK here? Do you like it?



Ok, and now what can we see.

Here is a poem about the city.

And here you can see some places and some food.


What are we going to do at this lesson? What will we talk about today?

We will talk about _____, ____ and _____. (set the goal)

We will talk about the city, and we are going to talk about ordering food in some places.

Well our topic today is “My city. Let’s order some food ”


- объяснение работы с картой самоконтроля


And one more thing, you can see blue papers on your desks. These are our cards of self-control. Here we are going to analyze our work.


This is my town, come with me.

There are a lot of places. Come and see!


This poem is actually not a poem, it’s a song. And just to give you one minute to relax, I would like you to listen to this song.(1,21 minute)




Let’s continue our work. I want you to practise some vocabulary connected with our topic. Look at the screen.


Read these words and find the odd one.

Let’s repeat after me all together.

  • cinema, theatre, hospital, circus;
  • school, university, collage, museum;
  • stadium, cafe, sports ground, swimming pool, gym;


And now choose the right variant. And read the whole sentence.

Nick wants to read some books.
He is going to the … .

a) library b) café c) bus station

* Who can read the right answer?

Mary wants to walk with her dog. She is going to the … .

a) swimming pool b) park c) sports centre


Jack has a toothache. He is going to the….

a) clinic b) pet shop c) zoo


Sue wants to swim. She is going to the… .

a) swimming pool b) gym c) stadium


Great job! I see you know words to the topic «My City»

Now take your cards of self-control. Find the part number 1. Read the first part. Put Plus if it is right for you. Put Minus if it is wrong.




Ok, let’s go on. I see you know the words. But let’s use these words in different questions.


Now I would like you to work in pairs with changing partners. Some students are getting a card. It is a picture. And you have to ask questions and answer questions.

Use the model.

  • Do you like to go to the _________?
  • Yes, I like to go to the ___.
  • No, I don’t like to go to the ______.


When the pairs are ready, we are going to change partners. Are you ready? Let’s get started.



WELL DONE! It was quite funny.


Ok, take your cards of self-control. Find the part number 2. Read the second sentence. Put Plus if it is right for you. Put Minus if it is wrong.




Well done! Everybody likes tasty things; a lot of children like to go to the café. But we sometimes order some food online or on the phone.


And now we are going to listen to the dialog where a man is ordering some food.

You have to listen to it and then you have to choose the right answer. Please, take the pencils and take the yellow papers with the task.

You will listen to the dialog twice.


Please, choose the right answer and let’s check this task.

Let’s go!


  1. The customer wants to order ____.
  1. one small pepperoni and one large margarita
  2. two small margarita
  3. one large pepperoni
  1. The customer lives in ____.
  1. Apple Street b) Oxford Street c) Green Street


  1. The phone number of the customer is_____.
  1. 555-3030 b) 555- 3639 c)666 – 3639


  1. The customer has to pay ______.
  1. 20 $ b) 24 $ c) 28 $


  1. The order will be delivered ______.
  1. within 30 minutes b) within 20 minutes c) within 40 minutes


Check your answers in pairs. Now let’s check it together. Look at the screen.

Take your pencils, put plus if it correct/ Put minus, if it not correct.

How many right answers do you have? Who has no mistakes?

Well done!


And now I would like you to work in pairs. You will hear the dialog once more. Each pair has to make up a dialog from the sentences. So put the sentences in the right order.


Get ready. Let’s go!


Let me check your work.

Everything is OK. And now read the dialog by roles in pairs. If you are ready change your roles and read once more.


And now let’s watch a video. People are ordering food in the café there. Let’s practice our listening and reading again.

Please, Be attentive.


Now take the cards of self-control. Find the part number 3. Read the third sentence. Put Plus if it is right for you. Put Minus if it is wrong.





Are you tired? Let’s stand up, shake your hands, shake your shoulders, turn your head right and left.


And we are working in groups now. Let’s form three groups. Group №1 – please 4 students here. …..

Come up to these desks, take your seats. The next task is “Giving directions”.
Sometimes there are some situations, when we have to explain people how to get to some place in the city.

Please, look at the sentences, match the pairs and write your answers in the sheet of answers. I give you 2 minutes.


Let’s check. Oh, I see everything is OK. You have managed it. Well done!

Come back to your places.


And the last task for today. Please, try to guess what city it is (listening to the describing of the city )


Take your cards of self-control. Find the line number 4. Read the fourth part of our card. Put Plus if it is right for you. Put Minus if it is wrong.



Our lesson is almost over. Let’s make some conclusions.

So we have talked about different places in the city, about ordering food and about giving directions.

You have worked wonderfully. I am very pleased with your work. I hope you have got pleasure, too.


You have reached the goal in our game. Your homework is to get ready for our concert. Repeat the song at home



Look at the card of self-control. How many pluses have you got? What is your total score?

Посмотрите карту самоконтроля, с которой вы работали весь урок. Выставите общий балл. Максимальный балл - 4.


Как вы думаете, у нас с вами все получилось? Все и даже больше. И это нам доказывает карта самоконтроля.

Я попрошу вас сейчас выразить свое мнение.

На экране даны подсказки, необходимо закончить предложения

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good bye! See you tomorrow!







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Опубликовано: 03.04.2024