Green energy

Автор: Лопатова Юлия Михайловна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №9

Населенный пункт: г.Куйбышев

One of the main worldwide problems today is the production of inexpensive energy with minimal environmental pollution and careful use of natural resources available to certain states.

According to this, I hypothesized that alternative energy will replace traditional energy in the near future and solve both environmental and economic problems. Doing my research I addressed to my classmates and other people in social nets and asked them some questions:

The aim and of my project:

to analyze the implementation and effectiveness of renewable energy abroad and in Russia.

It is necessary to solve the following tasks:

• consider the essence and features of "green" energy;

• consider types of renewable energy sources;

• evaluate the innovative component of alternative energy;

• to conduct an analysis of alternative energy abroad and in the Russian Federation;

• give recommendations on the possible use of renewable energy at home

The object of my research is unconventional and renewable energy.

Renewable energy resources include the following types of energy:

• solar;

• tidal ;

• wave energy;

• kinetic energy of air masses;

Attraction of renewable energy sources is due to a number of reasons, among which the following can be distinguished:

  1. Organic energy raw materials will last no more than 70-100 years, at the current level of consumption
  2. The state of dependence on the import of organic fuel.

According to the depletion of energy resources and their cost, the role of renewable energy sources in many countries is increasing every year. Doing my research work I found out how renewable energy sources are applicated: (на слайде).


The processing of biomass into electricity, heat and motor fuel has received the greatest application. Europe is heated with firewood. But biofuels often emit no less carbon dioxide than traditional fuel. The main hopes are associated with motor fuel made from vegetables or animal fats. Use of biofuels can lead to the deforestation, shortages for food and increase in food prices. More attention now is to" biofuels based on non-food materials.

The second most important "green" energy source is kinetic wind energy. It`s practically inexhaustible. The UK plans to provide all homes with electricity generated by wind farms by 2030. Wind renewable energy in Russia is represented mostly in the Crimea. Cл- 11 Wind farms are directly dependent on wind strength, expensive mechanisms, limited area. Disadvantages of wind turbines are the impact on the climate, noise effects, harm to animals and birds.

Hydroelectric power is environmentally friendly, renewable energy source, used all year round. Drawbacks of such energy are high cost to build a plant, impossibility to use flat areas, drought, disruption of fish spawn cycle. But this problem can be solved by constructing fish lifts in the dam. Small hydropower is also becoming widespread but their construction is not cheap either, moreover rivers can periodically dry up or freeze.

Also, one of the most popular and developing types of green energy is the energy of sea tides. An example of ocean wave energy can be the Oyster wave power plant in Scotland, which is the largest in the world. The advantages and disadvantages of this energy you can see on the screen. ( на слайде)

Geothermal energy is possible where there are natural outlets of hot steam and thermal waters with a temperature of 80-100 degrees . Pluses of geothermal plants are eco-friendly, renewable and permanent. One of the definite disadvantages is the toxicity of water.

No less promising is the use of solar energy for the production of electricity and heat. Solar energy is an alternative to fuel oil and gas. The efficiency of the solar batteries and their number will depend on several factors: Firstly, strong roof which faces south to receive more light. As for the advantages of solar batteries, they are saving on electricity and minimum wear. Disadvantage is high cost of batteries.

It is worth noting that alternative energy industry is gaining strength nowadays. The development of renewable energy is an indicator of a state view to the future. Therefore, there is a need to store renewable energy because a solar power plant works effectively only in the daytime and with a cloudless sky, and a wind generator – when the wind blows.

That is why my generation of future engineers will do their best to find new profitable practical innovations. As a result, "green" energy is gradually changing the global structure of energy production.

Realization that the development of own renewable energy potential is almost the only way to reduce risks associated with import dependence let a number of states get political support for the development of a relatively new "green" industry.

In our country, renewable energy stations have traditionally occupied an insignificant place. But the volume of electricity generation will shift, in comparison with the existing situation, towards wind farms and thermonuclear energy. The peculiarity of new type installations is that the nuclei of elements are connected and do not disintegrate. an accident, the consequences will be minimal. As you can see, Russia has its own view on the transition to alternative energy. .

Despite the fact that green energy is designed to improve the ecological situation on the Earth, the problem of garbage also arises here. In spite of experienced technologies, modernization and recycling 95 % of old panels remain categorically unprofitable. The wind turbine blades that have served their time are a separate problem. So, tons of plastic are simply buried every year.

Practical part

My invention of a solar sign.

Inspired by the idea of a lantern, I decided to create an illuminated sign with the house number to help people identify a suitable house in the darkness.

The principle of operation is as follows: the sun's rays fall on photovoltaic cells and are converted into electric current. The current enters the battery through the diode [ˈdaɪəʊd], which accumulates a charge. During the day, when it is light, the photorail (or manual switch) prevents the battery from discharging. But after dark, the battery begins to work: the electricity accumulated during the day begins to flow to the light source. LEDs begin to illuminate the space around them. At dawn, the photorail is triggered again, the lamp stops working. I hope that my ecologically friendly invention will be useful for many people.


The purpose of this work was to analyze the introduction of renewable energy abroad and in the Russian Federation. For this purpose the essence and features of renewable energy were studied, the types of renewable energy were considered. The analysis of the introduction of renewable energy abroad and in Russia was carried out. The practical use of renewable energy sources was also given. To sum up, "green energy" will not completely replace traditional energy sources due to the high cost and low efficiency for the average consumer but, nevertheless, people should try to use renewable sources as alternative ones to think about ecology and future generations.



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Опубликовано: 14.05.2024