Применение аутентичных видеоматериалов для развития навыков диалогического высказывания

Автор: Голосовская Анастасия Андреевна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №46 г. Калуги

Населенный пункт: г. Калуга

В рамках темы “Education” мы можем использовать видеофильм под названием “Welcome To My Life” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idT98H8TK-U). Данный мультипликационный фильм представляет собой небольшое интервью, которое берут у необычного учащегося школы. Он является монстром, тогда как все остальные герои мультфильма – люди. Интервьюер расспрашивает главного героя о его ежедневной рутине: о его успеваемости, увлечениях, футбольной команде, в которой он играет. В результате главный герой рассказывает о неприятном событии, которое имело место быть в школе: он был притеснен из-за внешности. Данный видеоматериал является удобной опорой для диалога на тему “My School Life”. Кроме того, он поднимает проблему притеснения людей, отличающихся по каким-либо признакам, другими словами, он несет моральную ценность, что повысит интерес смотрящих.

Комплекс упражнений для видеофильма “ Welcome To My Life ”

I. Преддемонстрационный этап

  1. Read the title of the film. What is this film about?

II. Демонстрационный этап

2. Watch the episode and try to answer the questions:

  • Who is the main character?
  • Where does he study?
  • What is he talking about?
  • What was his first lesson? Why was he happy?
  • What happened at their canteen?
  • Why was the boy irritated?
  • What is his hobby? How did he get on the team? Why does he like teamwork?
  • What happened after his classes?

III. Последемонстрационный этап

3. Look at the vocabulary list. Match the words with their definitions and translate them into Russian. Make up your own sentences, using these words.

  1. period
  1. to do something successfully
  1. marine

b) a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed

3. to ace something

c) lesson


  1. that appears in a moment

5. instant

e) related to the sea

6. tension

f) task

7. similar

g) to compete for a position on the team; a test to see how useful or effective something or someone is

8. threat

h) looking or being almost, but not exactly, the same

9. on a day-to-day basis;

on a daily basis

i) to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct

10. to end up on

j) everyday

11. to try out

k) to find oneself

12. mascot

l) to stop for some time

13. to hold up

m) a person, animal, or object that is believed to bring good luck, or one that represents an organization

14.to guess

n) a feeling of nervousness

Answers: 1-c, 2-e, 3-a, 4-f, 5-d, 6-n, 7-h, 8-b, 9-j, 10-k, 11-g, 12-m, 13-l, 14-i.

4. Watch the video and say what it is about. What is the moral of this film?

5. Watch the video again and fill in the gaps.

1) Douglas’ first period was _____ _____ class where he totally _____ his assignment.

2) Let’s give a big round of _____ to the open house marine biology photography all-stars with their wonderful water _____.

3) That guy is like the _____ version of me.

4) Being bigger than other kids starts _____ _____ between other people and me.

5) So how did you _____ __ on a football team?

6) What’s _____ with being like him?

7) To look like a monster seems to be a _____.

Answers: 1-marine/biology/aced, 2-applause/assignments, 3-human, 4-instant/tension, 5-end/up, 6-wrong, 7-threat.

6. Now check the words and their grammar forms with your classmates.

7. Read the statements about the video and say if they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the statements if they are false.

1) At the marine biology class Douglas failed his assignment.

2) Douglas considered his success to be some kind of big of a deal.

3) The boy got angry because Douglas was talking with his friends.

4) The main character thought that he looked similar to other people.

5) Douglas had been a mascot before he got into the team.

6) He likes to work in the football team as he wants to make everybody see only his achievements.

7) Fighting helped to solve the problem.

IV. Творческий этап

8. Imagine that you are an interviewer and ask your classmate about his/her school routine.

9. Do you agree that appearance doesn’t matter? Think about the arguments with your classmate in pairs.

10. In pairs prepare a dialogue “Our First Meeting”. Discuss your first meeting at school. Share your first impressions about your partner. You can use the following information:

  • Had you known your partner before you first met?
  • What did you feel, think of him/her?
  • How did he/she look?
  • Has your opinion about him/her changed?

Таким образом, в данном параграфе была представлена разработка комплекса упражнений, которая базируется на материале видеофильма “Welcome To My Life”, а также направлена на развитие навыков диалогической речи. Работа с данным видеоматериалом стимулирует развитие и совершенствование навыков всех видов речевой деятельности. Кроме того, в данном видеоролике прослеживается воспитательный аспект, что придает работе с ним морально-нравственную ценность.

Опубликовано: 22.05.2024