Интегрированное дистанционное занятие по ИТ в профессиональной деятельности и Иностранный язык

Автор: Айрапетян Елена Александровна

Организация: ГБПОУ ДЗМ «Медицинский колледж № 5»

Населенный пункт: г. Москва

Автор: Широкова Анастасия Андреевна

Организация: ГБПОУ ДЗМ «Медицинский колледж № 5»

Населенный пункт: г. Москва


«Города России» «Текстовый процессор Word»



Учебные вопросы





Организационный этап

3 мин


Профессиональная мотивация темы

2 мин


Цели, задачи изучения темы

5 мин


Актуальность темы занятия

5 мин


Актуализация исходных знаний (контролирующий материал с эталонами ответов, критерии оценки)

10 мин


Дидактические единицы: учебная информация по теме занятия «Города России» «Текстовый процессор Word»

55 мин



5 мин


Домашнее задание. ВСР

  1. мин



Использованная при подготовке текста лекции

  1. Шадская Т.В. Учебник «Английский язык для медицинских специальностей», М.: КНОРУС, 2019.
  2. Угринович Н.Д. Учебник «Информатика», М.: КНОРУС, 2019.

Рекомендуемая обучаемым для самостоятельной работы по теме лекции

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Ring
  2. http://www.teachvideo.ru/course/212



  1. Презентация к занятию
  2. Иллюстрации достопримечательностей городов Золотого кольца,
  3. Видеоролики о каждом городе Золотого кольца
  4. Карта России.
  5. Раздаточные материал:
  1. индивидуальные задания по теме: «Города России. Золотое кольцо»;
  2. задания на закрепление материала по теме: «Города России. Золотое кольцо».
  3. тестовые задания по теме «Текстовый процессор MS Word»



  1. Персональный компьютер на каждого студента с ПО (MS Word, Проигрыватель Windows media)
  2. Проектор и компьютер преподавателя с ПО (MS Word, MS Power Point, Проигрыватель Windows media)ЦЕЛЬ ЗАНЯТИЯ:

Обобщить и применить для решения реальной задачи знания текстового редактора.

Совершенствовать и развивать приемы работы с текстом с разной глубиной и точностью понимания.

Студент должен знать:

  • использовать в профессиональной деятельности различные виды программного обеспечения;
  • самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.


Студент должен уметь:

  • базовые системные программные продукты и пакты прикладных программ в области профессиональной деятельности;
  • лексический минимум необходимый для чтения и перевода со словарем.


Осваиваемые ОК и ПК:

ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями

ОК 7. Брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды (подчиненных), за результат выполнения заданий

ОК 10. Бережно относиться к историческому наследию и культуре традициям народа, уважать социальные, культурные и религиозные различия

ПК 1.2 Проводить санитарно-гигиеническое воспитание населения.

ПК 1.3 Учувствовать в проведении профилактики инфекционных и неинфекционных заболеваний.




Вопросы оценки исходного уровня:

  1. Who is Yuri Dolgoruky?
  2. When was Moscow founded?
  3. Was ancient Moscow a big city?
  4. What sights of interest in Moscow do you know?
  5. What masterpieces of architecture do you know?


  1. Укажите элемент управления, с помощью которого можно очистить формат.
  2. Укажите элемент управления, с помощью которого можно перейти на новый абзац, раздел, колонку или страницу.
  3. Укажите элемент управления, с помощью которого можно установить маркированный список.
  4. Укажите элемент управления, с помощью которого можно изменить интервал между строками.
  5. Укажите элемент управления, с помощью которого можно отобразить непечатаемые знаки.

Примерные ответы:

  1. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow 8 centuries ago. There is a monument on Tverskaya street.
  2. Moscow was founded 8 centuries ago. Historians have accepted the year of 1147 as the start of Moscow's history.
  3. No, it wasn’t. Ancient Moscow occupied the territory of the present-day Kremlin.
  4. There are a lot of interesting sights in Moscow. Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. It has more historic associations than any other place in Moscow. There are a lot of beautiful palaces, old mansions, cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow.
  5. The Kremlin and St Basil's Cathedral (Vasily Blazheny) are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. Tsaritsyno is one of unique sights in the southern part of Moscow. It's a historical, natural and architectural ensemble with a palace and park complex. The Seven Sisters, or ‘Stalin’s high-rises’, are undoubtedly among Moscow's primery landmarks of Stalinist architecture. The Moscow Metro is considered one of the most beautiful rapid transit systems in the world. Each of its 222 stations is unique in its own way, and many of the stations built in the Soviet era are recognised as masterpieces of Moscow architecture.














Критерии оценки:


Более 50 % верных ответов – аудитории готова к освоению материала занятия.

Менее 50 % верных ответов – необходимо восполнить пробелы в знаниях




по теме: «Текстовый процессор Word»

ЕН.02. Информационный технологии в профессиональной деятельности

Настольные издательские системы – совокупность аппаратных и программных средств для подготовки и создания печатной продукции готовой для тиражирования.

Этапы подготовки печатного издания:

  1. Набор текста
  2. Редактирование
  3. Корректировка
  4. Подготовка иллюстраций
  5. Разработка дизайна всего издания

Аппаратные средства:

  1. Устройства ввода информации
  2. Устройства обработки и хранения информации
  3. Устройства вывода информации

Программные средства:

  1. Технология обработки изображения
    1. Adobe Photoshop
    2. Corel Photo Paint
    3. Publisher
  2. Технология обработки изображения
    1. Adobe Illustrator
    2. Corel Draw
    3. Canva
  3. Технология обработки изображения
    1. Adobe Page Marker
    2. Corel Ventura
    3. Microsoft Word

Работа с текстовым процессором MS WORD

  1. Работа со строкой Меню, вкладка Главная:
    1. Изменение параметров Шрифта (типа, цвета, размера, начертания);
    2. Списки (маркированный и нумерованный);
    3. Выравнивание;
    4. Межстрочный интервал.
  2. Работа со строкой Меню, вкладка Вставка:
    1. Фигуры;
    2. Объект WordArt;
    3. Надпись;
    4. Колонтитулы.
  3. Работа со строкой Меню, вкладка Дизайн:
    1. Использование Фона страниц;
    2. Создание Границы текстового документа.
  4. Работа со строкой Меню, вкладка Разметка Страницы:
    1. Изменение размера и ориентации листа;
    2. Колонки и Разрывы;
    3. Поля документа.
  5. Работа со строкой Меню, вкладка Вид:
    1. Режим Чтения;
    2. Линейка, Сетка;
    3. Работа с Масштабом.

Общие качества композиции:

  1. Пропорциональность.
  2. Масштабность.
  3. Композиционное равновесие.
  4. Единство характера форм.
  5. Колористическое и тональное единство.
  6. Контрастность изображения – противопоставление сложного и простого
  7. Ритмичность композиции.

Логическим дополнением и завершением всей композиции служит ЦВЕТ, он создает гармонический ансамбль всей композиции. Цвет бывает теплым (красный, оранжевый, желтый) и холодным (зеленый, синий, пурпурный). Приятное для глаз гармоничное изображение может включать цвета только одной из этих групп. Этот прием часто используется в кинематографе.


Двусторонняя Печать документа





по теме: «Города России»

ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык

Поисковое и просмотровое чтение с извлечением необходимой информации (reading for specific information или scanning).

Цель – выяснить, содержит ли этот текст какую-либо полезную нам информацию.

При поисковом чтении текст прочитывается с целью нахождения относительно небольшого количества информации (70%) для последующего ее использования в нашей практической работе. Это могут быть достопримечательности города, объекты культурного наследия, памятные места.

При обнаружении искомой информации цель поискового чтения достигнута.


  1. What cities come into "The Golden Ring of Russia"?
  2. Have you ever been there?
  3. What are they famous for?
  4. Why is Ivanovo called "the city of brides"?8. АУДИТОРНАЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА


Уважаемый студент!

Вам предлагается создать брошюру об одном из городов Золотого Кольца России. Весь необходимый материал Вы найдете в папке «Группа 21». Каждой из мини-групп достанется один из городов – выберите папку с соответствующим названием, в нее входит:

  • видеоролик о городе
  • герб
  • изображения памятных мест и достопримечательностей
  • текстовый файл с заданиями по английскому языку.

Алгоритм выполнения практической работы на ПК:

  1. Откройте текстовый редактор MS Word, создайте новый текстовый файл.
  2. Измените ориентацию листа: Альбомную
  3. В текстовом файле сделайте Границу страницы.
  4. Сделайте соответствующее оформление открытки, добавив фон (Разметка страницы - Фон- выбрать либо конкретный цвет, либо войти в Способы заливки).
  5. Предпечатное макетирование документа с помощью Word
  • Редактирование текстового документа с помощью Word.
  • Текстовый дизайн документа с помощью Word.
  • Вставка графических иллюстраций в документ Word.
  • Создание колонок и колонтитулов.
  1. Сохраните под именем Команда 1.doc¸ Команда 2.doc и т.д., в зависимости от номера мини-группы.
  2. Вывод полностью готового оригинал-макета на Демонстрацию при онлайн конференции.

Требования к выполнению работы:

  1. Установка горизонтальной ориентации листа.
  2. Наличие рисунка (скопированного из памяти ПК или созданного с помощью графического редактора Paint).
  3. Наличие текста.
  4. Использование элементов композиции и цветового оформления элементов брошюры.
  5. Использование эффективных с точки зрения восприятия документа элементов: автофигур, надписей и др.
  6. Наличие элементов оформления документа путем форматирования шрифта, картинки, автофигуры; вставки рамки; добавления фона открытки; использования эффектов, например, анимации текста.


Ivanovo is a city and the administrative center of Ivanovo Oblast, Russia, located 209 kilometers (130 mi) from Moscow and approximately 100 kilometers (62 mi) from Yaroslavl, Vladimir, and Kostroma.

The Uvod River, a tributary of the Klyazma, flows from north to south, dividing the city in two halves. There are also two rivers in Ivanovo: the Talka and the Kharinka. Ivanovo was first mentioned in 1561, when it was given to the Cherkassky princely family by Ivan III, after the latter's wedding with Maria Cherkasskaya. However, the relevant document has been lost.

The modern city was created by merging the old flax-processing village Ivanovo with the industrial Voznesensky Posad in 1871. Yakov Garelin—a patron of arts, historian, manufacturer, and public figure—is considered to be the founder of the city and its first head. Under his government, the city began to develop and grow.

Until 1932, its official name of the city was Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Because of its textile manufacturing industry, Ivanovo earned the sobriquet of the "Russian Manchester" during the 19th century.

Ivanovo has traditionally been called the textile capital of Russia. Since most textile workers are women, it has also been known as the "city of brides". Probably the most famous of the city's female natives was the postmodern French writer Nathalie Sarraute.

Ivanovo has several educational institutions: Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Ivanovo Medical Academy, Ivanovo Architectural Academy, and Ivanovo State Power University (ISPU).

There are several objects of cultural heritage in Ivanovo. Among them are the buildings of the constructivism style, like the Ship-house (1930), architect D. F. Fridman; the Horseshoe-house (1934), architect A. I. Panov; the Regional Bank building (1927), architect V. A. Vesnin; the Palace of Arts (1939), architect A. V. Vlasov, and others.

Many monuments are devoted to the revolutionary past of the city, such as the "Red Talka" memorial or numerous monuments to revolutionaries. The historical center of the city is notable mainly for the former houses of famous Ivanovites: the mansion houses of E. I. Gratchev (1774), I. N. Polushin (1904; here the Soviet government was first declared), K. D. Burkov, the Kuvayevs, the Gandurins, the Burlinis, etc. The industrial architecture, like the remaining textile manufactures of the 19th century, is also of interest.

Other notable sights include Schudrovskaya Palatka (17th century), the first brick civil building in Ivanovo, the Svyato-Vvedensky Monastery (architect P. Begen), the wooden Uspenskaya church, the mansion of A. Duringer (1910), and others.


Kostroma is a historic city and the administrative center of Kostroma Oblast, Russia. A part of the Golden Ring of Russian towns, it is located at the confluence of the Volga and Kostroma Rivers.

The city was first recorded in the chronicles for the year 1213, but historians believe it could have been founded by Yury Dolgoruky more than half a century earlier Like other towns of the Eastern Rus, Kostroma was sacked by the Mongols in 1238.

As one of the northern most towns of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, Kostroma served for grand dukes as a place of retreat when enemies besieged Moscow in 1382, 1408, and 1433. In 1375, the town was looted by Novgorod pirates (ushkuiniks). The spectacular growth of the city in the 16th century may be attributed to the establishment of trade connections with English and Dutch merchants (Muscovy Company) through the northern port of Archangel. Boris Godunov had the Ipatiev and Epiphany monasteries rebuilt in stone. The construction works were finished just in time for the city to witness some of the most dramatic events of the Time of Troubles.

Kostroma was twice ravaged by the Poles; it took a six-month siege to expel them from the Ipatiev monastery. The heroic peasant Ivan Susanin became a symbol of the city's resistance to foreign invaders; several monuments to him may be seen in Kostroma.

The Ipatievsky monastery was visited by many of Tsar, including Nicholas II, the last Russian Tsar. The monastery had been founded in the early 14th century by a Tatar prince, ancestor of the Godunov family. The Romanovs had the magnificent Trinity Cathedral rebuilt in 1652; its frescoes and iconostasis are a thing of beauty. A wooden house of Mikhail Romanov is still preserved in the monastery. There are also several old wooden structures transported to the monastery walls from distant districts of the Kostroma Oblast.

Town status was granted to Kostroma in 1719.

In 1773, Kostroma was devastated by a great fire. Afterwards the city was rebuilt with streets radiating from a single focal point near the river. One of the best preserved examples of the 18th century town planning, Kostroma retains some elegant structures in a "provincial neoclassical" style. These include a governor's palace, a fire tower, a rotunda on the Volga embankment, and an arcaded central market with a merchant church in the center.

Built in 1559-1565, the five-domed Epiphany Cathedral was the first stone edifice in the city; its medieval frescoes perished during a fire several years ago. The minster houses the city's most precious relic, a 10th-century Byzantine icon called Our Lady of St. Theodore. It was with this icon that Mikhail Romanov was blessed by his mother when he left for Moscow to claim the Russian throne. They say that just before the Revolution of 1917, the icon blackened so badly that the image was hardly visible; it was interpreted as a bad sign for the Romanov dynasty.

The Ipatyevsky monastery survives mostly intact, with its 16th-century walls, towers, belfry, and the 17th-century cathedral.

Apart from the monasteries, most of the city churches were either rebuilt or demolished during the Soviet years. The only city church that survives from the 17th-century "golden age" is the of gold instead. He resolved that the unearned gold was the devil's gift and decided to spend it on building a church, beautiful within and without. Two other 17th-century temples, of rather conventional architecture, may be seen on the opposite side of the Volga.

Among the vestiges of the Godunov rule, a fine tent-like church in the urban-type settlement of Krasnoye-na-Volge (formerly an estate of Boris Godunov's brother) may be recommended.




Rostov was preceded by Sarskoye Gorodishche. First mentioned in the year 862 as an already important settlement, by the 13th century Rostov became the capital city of one of the most prominent Russian principalities. It was incorporated into Muscovy in 1474.

Even after it lost its independence, Rostov was still an ecclesiastic center of utmost importance One of the metropolitans, Iona (Jonah) Sysoyevich (ca. 1607-1690), commissioned the town's main landmark: the Kremlin that many regard as the finest outside of Moscow.

Ravaged by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries and the Poles in 1608, Rostov became a medium-sized town. The metropolitan see was transferred to Yaroslavl late in the 18th century.

Apart from its history, Rostov is renowned for its enamels.

The central square of Rostov is occupied by the Assumption Cathedral. It is unknown when the present building was erected, the mid-16th century being the most likely date. Lower parts of the cathedral walls are dated to the 12th century. The ponderous bell-tower was constructed mostly in the 17th century. Its bells are among the largest and most famous in Russia - each has its own name. The largest bell, cast in 1688, weighs 32,000 kilograms (71,000 lb). It is named Sysoy to honor the city's founding father.

An area situated between the cathedral square and the lake was chosen by Iona Sysoevich as a place for his fairy-tale residence. All the construction works were carried out between 1667 and 1694. Major buildings include the ornate Savior Church-na-Senyakh (1675), the somber Church of St. Gregory (1670), and the barbican churches of St. John the Apostle (1683) and of the Resurrection of Christ (1670). The residence, often erroneously called Kremlin, also includes eleven ornate tower bells, numerous palaces, several small belfries, and the diminutive baroque Church of Our Lady of Smolensk (1693). All the churches are elaborately painted and decorated.

The cathedral and four tall Kremlin churches with their silver "blind" domes were imitated throughout the city. This is particularly evident in the Savior-on-the-Market church and the cathedral church of the Nativity convent, both dating from the 17th century and situated near the Kremlin walls. The oldest church within the town center was consecrated to St. Isidore the Blessed in 1565. They say that Ivan the Terrible had the architect executed, because his church was so much smaller than its predecessor.

The Kremlin is flanked by two monasteries, both facing the Lake Nero. To the right from the kremlin stands the Abraham monastery, founded in the 11th century and one of the oldest in Russia. Its cathedral, commissioned by Ivan the Terrible in 1553 to commemorate the conquest of Kazan, inspired numerous churches in the region.

Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery, situated to the left from the Kremlin on the town's outskirts, has been venerated as the shrine of St.Dmitry of Rostov. Most of the monastery structures were built in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in the fine neoclassical style. There are also two 17th-century churches: the Conception of St. Anna, and the Transfiguration of Our Savior. Unlike most other churches in the town, the monastery belongs to the Russian Orthodoxy.

The vicinity of Rostov is rich in old architecture. For example, an old wooden church (1687–1689) may be seen in Ishnya. One of the best preserved monasteries in Russia, named after the saints Boris and Gleb, is situated in Borisoglebsky, about 20 kilometers (12 mi) west of the town. The monastery was favored by Ivan the Terrible, who personally supervised the construction of towered walls and bell-tower around an even more ancient cathedral. The only addition made to the monastery after Ivan's death is a barbican church, commissioned by the metropolitan Iona Sysoyevich.


Suzdal is a town and the administrative center of Suzdalsky District of Vladimir Oblast,Russia, situated northeast of Moscow, 26 kilometers (16 mi) from the city of Vladimir, on the Kamenka River.

The history of the town dates back to at least the year 1024. It is called Sursdalar or Sudrdala (the southern valley) in the Norse Sagas - which probably also is the origin of the town's name. For centuries it functioned as the capital of several Russian principalities. It forms part of the Golden Ring. It was granted city status in 1777.

After a decline in political importance, the town rose in prominence as a religious center with numerous monasteries and a remarkable ratio of churches to citizens: at one point, forty churches for four hundred families. Today, the town operates as an important tourist center, featuring many fine examples of old Russian architecture — most of them churches and monasteries. Walking through the town one might get the feeling that every third building is a church. Although having over ten thousand residents, Suzdal still retains the look and feel of a small village with streams and meadows everywhere nearby, and chicken and livestock a common sight on the city streets, some of which are unpaved. This juxtaposition of stunning medieval architecture with its pastoral setting lends Suzdal a picturesque charm, and in the summer artists and easels are a common sight.

In March, the Suzdal tourist center is home to the Open Russian Festival of Animated Film.

The Cathedral of the Nativity in Suzdal is one of the eight White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, a World Heritage Site.

• Wooden Church of Saint Nicholas. This church was built in Glotovo Russia in 1766 and was recently moved to Suzdal in 1960 to be part of a museum of wooden architecture. The church is elevated off the ground about a story high from when it was moved across the country. This church is made out of all wood and represents the close relationship between wood and stone architecture and how precise the Russians were while building this back in 1766.

• St John the Baptist Church. This church was built in 1720, the same time that Saint Nicholas church was built. The amazing thing about this church is the difference between the types of architecture of the two churches that were built during the same time period. Whereas the Saint Nicholas church is all wooden the St John Church is made out of white plastered walls with wooden supports. The differences between the arches and textures and overall appearance is truly so different and is definitely a sight to see.

• The Saint Alexander Convent. This church was built in 1240 by an unknown architect. It is said that the princesses of Suzdal, Mariya and Agrippina, were buried here in 14th century. The old architecture with new improvements makes this church interesting and different.

• Convent of Intercession. The convent was found in 1264. In the center of this beautiful white walled convent is the cathedral of the Intercession; it was an add on built in 1518 by an unknown man. The interior of the cathedral has no paintings or stained glass, it is just plan white stone walls all around. The church was and still is one of the richest convents in Russia. The convent is the home of many nuns and is also the burial vault for twenty nuns of noble birth. Connected to the white stoned wall cathedral is an art museum you can tour. There are many beautiful paintings but none in the actual cathedral itself. This building is filled with beautiful arches and art created in the 16th and 17th century. Plus in the very heart of the convent is a restaurant to feed your appetite after all the site seeing.


Vladimir is a city and the administrative center of Vladimir Oblast, Russia, located on the Klyazma River, 200 kilometers to the east of Moscow.

Vladimir was one of the medieval capitals of Russia, and two of its cathedrals are a World Heritage Site. The founding date of Vladimir is considered to be 1108, as the first mention of Vladimir in the Primary Chronicle appears.

Vladimir had little political or military influence throughout the reign of Vladimir Monomakh (1113–1125), or his son Yury Dolgoruky ("long arms") (1154–1157). The city's most historically significant events occurred after the 12th century.

Only under Dolgoruky's son, Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157–1175) began the city's Golden Age, which lasted until the Mongol invasion of Russia in 1237. During this time Vladimir enjoyed immense growth and prosperity, and Andrei oversaw the building of the Golden Gates and the Cathedral of the Assumption. In 1164, Andrei even attempted to establish a new metropolitanate in Vladimir but was rebuffed by the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Scores of Russian, German, and Georgian masons worked on Vladimir's white stone cathedrals, towers, and palaces. Unlike any other northern buildings, their exterior was elaborately carved with the high relief stone sculptures. Only three of these edifices stand today: the Assumption Cathedral, the Cathedral of Saint Demetrius, and the Golden Gate. During Andrei's reign, a royal palace in Bogolyubovo was built, as well as the world-famous Intercession Church on the Nerl, now considered one of the jewels of ancient Russian architecture. Andrei was assassinated at his palace at Bogolyubovo in 1175.

After the Mongols, Vladimir never fully recovered, and even though the most important Rus prince (usually the Prince of Moscow, but sometimes of Tver or another principality) was styled the Grand Prince of Vladimir, the title had become merely an honorific symbol of majesty. After the rise of Moscow Grand Princes of Moscow built several new churches in Vladimir, notably the Annunciation church at Snovitsy (ca. 1501), three kilometers north-west of the city, and a charming church in the Knyaginin nunnery (ca. 1505), with murals dating to 1648.

Modern Vladimir is a part of the Golden ring of the ancient Russian cities and a significant tourist center. Its three chief monuments, White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, inscribed by UNESCO on the World Heritage List, are the following:

1. The magnificent five-domed Assumption Cathedral was designed as a sepulcher of grand princes and dedicated to the holy icon Theotokos of Vladimir, which had been brought to the city by Andrew the Pious. The cathedral was constructed in 1158–1160, expanded in 1185–1189, and painted by the great Andrei Rublev and Daniil Chyorny in 1408. In 1810, they added a lofty bell-tower in Neoclassical style.

2. The warrior-like cathedral of St. Demetrius was built in 1194–1197 as a private chapel of Vsevolod the Big Nest in the courtyard of his palace and was consecrated to his holy patron, St. Demetrius. For all its formal unity, the cathedral represents a truly international project of Russian and Byzantine masters, Friedrich Barbarossa's masons, and carvers sent by Queen Tamar of Georgia.

3. The Golden Gate, originally a tower over the city's main gate, was built in 1158–1164. The gate acquired its present form after having been grossly reconstructed in the late 18th century, to prevent the dilapidated structure from tumbling down.

Other remarkable monuments of pre-Mongol Russian architecture are scattered in the vicinity.

Vladimir is home to several electrical and chemical factories, several food processing plants, two large thermal power stations, and the headquarters of the 27th Guards Missile Army of the Strategic Rocket Forces. Tourism related to the historical sites is a major contributor to the city economy.


Yaroslavl is one of the eight city's of Russia's Golden Ring, a group of touristic, historic towns around Moscow. Yaroslavl is situated on the north-eastern side of this 'ring' and is the largest city in its chain. Whilst the city is best known for its architectural merits, it also has a relatively large repertoire of cultural attractions.

Yaroslavl is the oldest of all existing towns on the Volga. Yaroslavl was founded by a prince of Kievan Rus Yaroslav the Wise during the period of his ruling the Principality of Rostov (988—1010).

During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Yaroslavl was a city largely built from wood and was plagued by disastrous fires, which in some cases almost destroyed the entire city.

As a result the age old tradition of building in wood was abandoned and a new city built of stone began to appear; unfortunately this meant that very little of the Yaroslavl of the Middle Ages remained unchanged.

In the 16th century Yaroslavl became an important place for the conduct of international trade and a number of shipping berths and warehouses grew up around the city, especially those from England and Germany. By way of the Volga trade was carried out from India and China bringing goods to Europe. In the 17th century industrial concerns were set up in the city, including a number of leather-working shops. Yaroslavl became a center of the production of textiles, cosmetics (fragrances) and silver work. In 1772 the textiles factory of Ivan Tames opened on the right bank of the Kotorosl.

Modern Yaroslavl is divided into six city districts. The center is located on the northern bank of the Kotorosl River. The center is the economic and political hub of the city. It is also the oldest district in the city and where it was first settled. The center contains the majority of landmarks and attractions in the city, including the Volkov Theater, the Church of Elijah the Prophet, the football stadium, and the Volga embankment and the monastery, which is often mistakenly called the kremlin. Pyatyorka is located north of the centre. It a residential region with very few notable sites.

Across the Kotorosl lie Frunzensky and Krasnoperekopsky City Districts, which are divided by Moskovsky Avenue. Frunzensky is a relatively new district, constructed in the post-war era. Most of the buildings are of typical grey Soviet construction. Frunzensky City District is divided into three microdistricts: Suzdalka, Dyadkovo, and Lipovaya Gora.

Krasnoperekopsky City District is one of the oldest parts in Yaroslavl. Before the 1917 Revolution, it was home to Yaroslavl's industry, and a good deal of industry remains today. Krasnoperekopsky City District is divided into two microdistricts, one of which is Neftestroy (named for Yaroslavl's oil refinery) and Perekop. Much of Yaroslavl's mafia grew out of Perekop. However, Perekop offers some of Yaroslavl's most beautiful parks and churches, most notably the Church of Saint John the Baptist, which is located next to a paint factory on the Kotorosl embankment; and Peter and Paul's Cathedral, a Protestant-style Orthodox church. There is also Dzerzhinsky City District, named after "Iron" Felix Dzerzhinsky. On the other bank of the Volga lies Zavolzhsky City District. This city district was Yaroslavl's quietest and most-rural area, but now it is one of the most dynamic parts of the city with expansive new buildings with big hypermarkets.

Yaroslavl has three theaters, the most famous of them are the 'Volkov Theater',the State Puppet Theater (founded in 1927), a children's and youth theater (Yaroslavl State Theater for Young Spectators, founded 1984), and the Yaroslavl Chamber Theater (founded 1999). In addition to these theaters, the city also has a philharmonic (founded 1937) and a permanent circus (founded 1963).

Yaroslavl is currently home to the following state higher educational institutions: Yaroslavl 'Demidov' State University, Yaroslavl State Technical University, Ushinskiy Pedagogical University, Yaroslavl State Medical Academy, Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy, Yaroslavl State Institute for Theatrical Studies, Military School of Finance and Economics, and the Yaroslavl Higher School for Anti-Aircraft and Missile Defence.








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Оценка «4» ставится обучающемуся, если он понял основное содержание оригинального текста, может выделить основную мысль, определить отдельные факты. Однако у него недостаточно развита языковая догадка, и он затрудняется в понимании некоторых незнакомых слов, он вынужден чаще обращаться к словарю, а темп чтения более замедленен.

Оценка «3» ставится обучающемуся, который не совсем точно понял основное содержание прочитанного, умеет выделить в тексте только небольшое количество фактов, совсем не развита языковая догадка.





Оценка «5» ставится обучающемуся, если он создал брошюру самостоятельно, содержит 2 страницы по 3 колонки, с альбомным ориентированием, использованы границы, разрывы, колонтитулы. Работа эстетически оформлена, имеет иллюстрации, содержание соответствует теме, прослеживается логическая связь, представлена в срок.


Оценка «4» ставится обучающемуся, если он создал брошюру самостоятельно, содержит 2 страницы по 2 колонки, с альбомным ориентированием, использованы границы, разрывы, колонтитулы. Работа эстетически оформлена, нет работы с иллюстрациями, содержание соответствует теме, не прослеживается логическая связь, представлена в срок.


Оценка «3» ставится обучающемуся, если он создал брошюру не самостоятельно, содержит 1 или 3 и более страниц, нет разделения на колонки, книжное ориентирование, не использованы границы, разрывы, колонтитулы. Работа не оформлена эстетически, нет работы с иллюстрациями, содержание не соответствует теме, не прослеживается логическая связь, не представлена в срок.







Запишите домашнее задание:

Используя текстовый процессор MS Word создайте готовый к печати документ.

Выберете тему для освещения в статье по любому специальному предмету.

Прикрепить готовую статью в электронном виде.


Задание к тексту "Ivanovo"


1. Supply the appropriate word chosen from those at the end of exercise:

  1. Ivanovo was created by ______ the old flax-processing village with the Voznesenski Posad.
  2. Under the _________ of Yakov Garelin Ivanovo began to develop and grow.
  3. Ivanovo is called the textile _______ of Russia.
  4. Among the cultural _______ of Ivanovo there are the building of constructivism style.
  5. The historical centre of the city is notable for its former houses of _______ Ivanovites.
  6. Schudrovskaya Palatka (17th century) is the first ______civil building.

Heritage; government; brick; capital; merging; famous.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. When was Ivanovo mentioned first?
  2. Who is considered to be the founder of the city?
  3. Why was Ivanovo known as "the city of brides"?
  4. What was the typical name of the city until 1932?
  5. What sobriquet did Ivanovo earn? Why?


Задание к тексту "Kostroma"

1. Supply the appropriate word chosen from those at the end of exercise:

  1. The city was first __________ in the chronicles of the year 1213.
  2. Kostroma served as a place of _______ for grand dukes.
  3. The Ipatievsky monastery was ________ in the 14th century.
  4. Most of the city churches were ________ during Soviet years.
  5. The Ipatievsky monastery survives mostly _______.
  6. Epiphany Cathedral was first stone ________ in the city.

demolished; recorded; founded; edifice; retreat; intact.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. When was Kostroma founded?
  2. Why is Ivan Susanin the symbol of the city?
  3. When was the five-domed Epiphany Cathedral built?
  4. How was it interpreted when the 10th century icon called "Our Ladyof St. Theodore" blackened?


Задание к тексту "Rostov"

1. Supply the appropriate word chosen from those at the end of exercise:

  1. Rostov was an ________ centre.
  2. Buildings between 1667 and 1694 include the ______ Savior Church-na-Senyakh and the ______ Church of St. Gregory.
  3. The Kremlin is ________ by 2 monasteries.
  4. Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery has been venerated as the _______ of St. Dmitry of Rostov.
  5. The ______ of Rostov is rich in old architecture.

ornate; flanked; vicinity; somber; shrine; ecclesiastic.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. When was Rostov mentioned first?
  2. Who commissioned the town's first landmark?
  3. Why was the metropolitan see transferred to Yaroslavl in the 18th century?
  4. What is there on the central square of Rostov?
  5. What area was chosen by Iona Sysoevich as a place for his fairy-tale residence?
  6. What is erroneously called Kremlin?


Задание к тексту "Suzdal"

1. Supply the appropriate word chosen from those at the end of exercise:

  1. Suzdal rose in prominence as a ______ centre.
  2. Walking through the town you can get the feeling that every third building is a _____.
  3. Suzdal _______ the feel of a small village with stream and medows.
  4. The old architecture with new _______ makes churches interesting and different.
  5. Convent of Intercession was and is one of the _______ convents in Russia.
  6. The convent is the home for many _____.

nuns; retains; religious; richest; church; improvements.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. What lends Suzdal a picturesque charm?
  2. Where was the Wooden Church of St. Nicholas built?
  3. What is the amazing thing between Church of St. Nicholas and St. John the Baptist Curch?
  4. Does the interior of the Convent of Intercession have painting or stained glass?
  5. What is there in the very heart of the Convent of Intercession?


Задание к тексту "Vladimir"

1. Supply the appropriate word chosen from those at the end of exercise:

  1. Vladimir was one of the medieval _______ of Russia.
  2. During the reign of Andrey Bogolyubsky the city enjoyed immense growth and ______.
  3. Church on the Nerl is considered one of ______ of ancient Russian architecture.
  4. Assumption Cathedral was designed as a _______ of grand princes.
  5. The cathedral of St. Demetrius was builtas a private ______ of Vsevolod the Big Nest.
  6. During Andrei's reign a royal ______ in Bogolubovo was built.

sepulcher; prosperity; palace; jewels; chapel; capital.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. What is considered to be the year of 1108?
  2. Who worked on Vladimir's white cathedrals, towers and palaces?
  3. What industry are there in Vladimir?
  4. Is Vladimir home to the Federal Centere for Animal Health and Welfare?


Задание к тексту "Yaroslavl"


1. Supply the appropriate word chosen from those at the end of exercise:

  1. Yaroslavl was a centre in ______ of cosmetics and silver works.
  2. Yaroslavl is known for its architectural ______.
  3. Built from wood Yaroslavl was often ______ by fires.
  4. Yaroslavl was a _______ between international trade.
  5. Kotorosol CD is the centre and contains the majority of ________ in the city.
  6. ___________ CD constructed in the post-war era has typical grey buildings of Soviet constructions.
  7. ___________ CD was and is a centre of industry.

Krasnoperekopsk; merits; conduct; attractions; production; plagued; Frunzensky.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. When was Yaroslavl founded?
  2. What districts are mentioned in the text?
  3. What district is the center of Yaroslavl? What are there?
  4. What is mistakenly called the Kremlin?


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Опубликовано: 16.02.2021