Разработка урока английского языка в 7 классе «Загрязнение окружающей среды»

Автор: Пономарева Виктория Михайловна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ с УИОП №14

Населенный пункт: г. Иркутск

Автор: Блохина Нина Иннокентьевна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ с УИОП №14

Населенный пункт: г. Иркутск

Тип: урок обобщения знаний.

Цель урока: развитие и закрепление умений в устной речи по теме «Pollution of the Environment».

Задачи урока:

Обучающие – освоить новые лексические единицы и речевые конструкции по указанной теме; развивать фонетические и лексические навыки, систематизировать знания о видах загрязнения

Развивающие – развивать умения строить самостоятельные устные высказывания на основе первичного усвоения учебного материала, логическое мышление, развиватькоммуникативные способности через описание картинок и высказываний проблемного характера.

Воспитательные – воспитывать чувство уважения к собеседнику, индивидуальную культуру общения, развивать стремление к взаимопониманию между людьми.

Формирование УУД.

Личностные – развитие и воспитание понимания важности изучения английского языка в современном мире, потребности пользоваться им как средством общения, познания, самореализации и социальной адаптации, воспитание качеств гражданина.

Регулятивные - способность прогнозировать свои результаты, самооценка, взаимоконтроль

Познавательные - овладение языковыми средствами ( фонетическими, лексическими и грамматическими) в соответствии с темами и ситуациями, освоение знаний о языковых явлениях изучаемого языка, разных способах выражения мысли в изучаемом языке.

Коммуникативные – осознанно отбирать языковые средства для осуществления общения в соответствии с речевой ситуацией; понимать устную и письменную речь и воспроизводить ее содержание в необходимом объеме, создавать собственные связные высказывания ( в основных видах речевой деятельности :говорении, чтении).

Форма работы: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная, парная.

Оснащение: УМК «Starlight», проектор, видео сопровождение.

Ход урока:

1 этап – организационный. 1 мин

Цель – психологически настроить учащихся на учебную деятельность.

T: Good morning children, glad to see you, sit down, please.

T: How are you?

P: Fine, thank you and you?

T: I’m fine, thank you.

What is the weather like today?

2 этап – мотивационный. 8 мин.

Постановка целей и задач урока.

Цель – включение в учебную деятельность на личностно-значимом уровне.

T: Today we are having an unusual lesson, we’ve got some guests. I wish you worked well and showed everything you know.

T: Look at the screen, please. What can you see in picture 1,2,3? (слайд 1)на слайде изображены три картинки (P.1-a group of people gathering rubbish,

P 2-a man and a woman in masks, P 3-two girls in a boat).

T: Can you guess the theme of the lesson?

P: I think we will discuss different types of pollution.

T: Right you are, the theme of our lesson is Pollution of the Environment (слайд2 с названием темы урока)

T: What type of pollution can you see in Pic1? (P2,3)

P1-Soil pollution, P2- air pollution, P3- water pollution.

T: I want you to describe these photos. Who is ready to describe P1? You can see the plan you are to follow.

T: Well done. You see that our environment suffers from pollution. We make a lot of waste, some of which is toxic. We throw domestic and industrial rubbish in the country and pour toxic wastes in rivers and oceans. During this lesson we’ll learn some facts about different types of pollution, while reading the text. We are to mark the reasons that cause such problems and find the way out.

3 этап - проверка домашнего задания - 4 мин

T:We live on a beautiful planet and we must take care of our Motherland.At home you were given to learn a poem by heart. I am going to listen some of you. You may repeat it. Who is ready to start?

Hug the Earth (Lorraine Bayes)

The Earth is a garden.

It’s a beautiful place

For all living creatures,

For all the human race.

Helping Mother Earth

We can peacefully roam (путешествовать)

We all deserve a place

We can call our home.

4 этап – первичное усвоение новых знаний. 9 мин +4 мин (ролик)=13 мин

Цель – первичная систематизация полученных знаний.

T: Now we are to get acquainted with new words and revise familiar ones.

Look at the screen. Match the word with its definition. You have 2 minutes to do it.

Here are your cards. (Слайд 3)

A word

A definition

  1. Ecology is
  1. a place where people collect waste
  1. environment is
  1. to defend
  1. nature is
  1. a scientist who studies our environment
  1. pollution is
  1. dangerous
  1. an ecologist is
  1. the world with all living things, the lands and the seas
  1. waste is
  1. a science that studies how plants, animals and people live together
  1. a dumpsite is
  1. making air, water and soil dirty
  1. harmful is
  1. useless materials
  1. protect is
  1. the place we live in


Now you should exchange your sheets of papers and correct wrong answers. Check your neighbour’s answers. The right ones you can see at the screen.Write down unknown words in your exercise books.

Read and translate. (Cлайд 4)





















Вставить правильную таблицу (Слайд5)

A word

A definition

  1. ecologyis

a science that studies how plants, animals and people live together

  1. environment is

the place we live in

  1. nature is

the world with all living things, the lands and the seas

  1. pollution is

making air, water and soil dirty

  1. an ecologist is

a scientist who studies our environment

  1. waste is

useless materials

  1. a dumpsite is

a place where people collect waste

  1. harmful is


  1. protect is

to defend


T: We’ll practice some verbs. Look at the screen and give the antonyms to these words (Cлайд6)

to plant, to preserve, to collect, to build, to care about, to clean up

(to cut down, to kill, to throw away, to destroy, to harm, to pollute)

Well done. Let’s revise grammar material Conditional 2. How is it formed?

Complete the sentences using Conditional 2 (Слайд 7)

1) If we didn’t cut trees, ……we would breath fresh air. (The air would be cleaner, animals wouldn’t lose their habitat.

2) If everyone collected rubbish ,….. our planet would be cleaner.

3) If we used bicycles instead of cars,……people wouldn’t suffer from diseases.

4) If you didn’t throw wastes into the water,…..it would save a lot of sea animals.

5) If people planted more trees,…..it would help our environment.

6) If people didn’t kill animals,….a lot of animals wouldn’t be extinct.

Now we’ll watch a clip. Be ready to answer my questions. Смотрим видео ролик. 4 мин

T: What is the main idea of this clip?

P: The main idea of this text is to show how negatively human beings influence on our planet.

5 этап-этап усвоения новых знаний 7 мин + 4 мин =11 мин

Цель-дальнейшее самостоятельное применение полученных знаний

Чтение текста (распечатка) проводится в 2 этапа (чтение для понимания основной идеи текста, и чтения для извлечения дополнительной информации).

1. Gist reading.

Т: Today we are going to learn more about the most dangerous types of pollution. We’ll be divided into three groups to find causes, problems and solutions which are mentioned in your texts. You are given these texts.Take your sheets of paper, look through the sentences and be ready to answer the questions.

What is your text about?

Are there any problems in the text?

2.Reading for detail. Перед вторым этапом учитель снимает возможные трудности. You should work in groups and fill the table you have got.

6 этап-этап первичного закрепления знаний - 4 мин

Цель – самостоятельное применение полученных знаний

In 7 minutes You are to give a talk on your issue.




I think(believe)

In my opinion


In addition to

I think, there is a problem of…..pollution.

It is caused by……

People should….

Besides, it is necessary to…

And finally,…


7 этап – рефлексия (Слайд 8) - 2 мин

Цель- формирование интереса к учению.

Now you’ll be given a sheet of paper with questions to learn how green you are.

  1. If you had a lotold newspapers and empty bottles, would you …
  1. leave them on the pavement?
  2. put them in a rubbish bin?
  3. recycle them?
  1. If somebody offered to give you one of the following as a gift, which would choose?
  1. a big, fast car
  2. a motorbike
  3. a bicycle
  1. If you were in the middle of the city and wanted to go somewhere one or two kilometres away, would you …
  1. take a taxi?
  2. take a bus?
  3. walk/cycle?
  1. If you had a picnic on the beach, what would you do with your rubbish?
  1. leave your rubbish on the beach?
  2. put your rubbish in the first bin you found?
  3. take your rubbish home?
  1. If you had 1000 dollars to spend, would you …
  1. buy a fur coat?
  2. go on a safari?
  3. adopt a dolphin?


Mostly a’s –You aren’t green, are you? Please look after our world before it’s too late!

Mostly b’s-You are trying to be more green but you don’t always get it right. Learn more about the environment and think before.

Mostly c’s-Well done! You are really green! We need more people like you to help us save our environment!

8 этап - Объяснение домашнего задания:

Write down 8 sentences completing the phrase If I were an ecologist …. 1 мин

9 этап - Подведение итогов.

Your marks …

T: Thank you for the lesson, you may be free. Have a nice day!

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  2. file1_9efe7f74-b3ca-4902-803b-ac59fb521f83.zip (29,2 МБ)
Опубликовано: 23.12.2021